Despite the dose cuts decided by pharmaceutical companies for the first quarter, delays in deliveries and the slowness of some regions in the administration of all available ampoules, Italy has exceeded 2 million vaccines managed and on the starting line second stage, which is intended for older people with more than 80 years, which in our country are more than 4 million and 400 thousand. However, not all regions will go at the same speed. Meanwhile, however, the ‘milestone’ of 2 million doses has been reached, as announced by Health Minister Roberto Speranza: “Two million doses of vaccine administered to date,” he wrote on Facebook thanking “women and men from the National Health Service which allowed us to achieve this first result ”.
As for those over 80, the Trentino Alto Adige he left early a few weeks ago, because he does not have enough health personnel willing to get vaccinated. Lazio opened today on Bookings – there are already 7 thousand appointments, but the site appears momentarily unreachable – and the first doses will be injected fromFebruary 8th, as well as in Puglia, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta. A wheel Veneto, Friuli, Liguria, Campania and other territories, which have set the output between mid-February and the end of the month, net of several logistical problems. Then there are some governors who have not communicated a date at the moment but are oriented to be ready by early March, while the Lombardy said the elderly here will receive the anti-Covid serum only from March 25 to 26.
Initially, the vaccination plan developed by the Emergency Commissioner Domenico Arcuri provided those over 80 participated in the campaign at the end of January, but delays and cutbacks in deliveries decided Pfizer and now also of Modern (for all of Europe, they are not for Italy) they have made everything slip. At the bottom is the knot Astrazeneca: The vaccine produced in collaboration with the University of Oxford and the Irbm of Pomezia has just been approved by AIFA and the first doses (net of the cuts announced for the first trimester) will arrive at the beginning of next week, but the experts have advised give it only for those who have 18-55 years. Therefore, the elderly are left out. Only Pfizer and Moderna mRNA-based drugs can be used. That is why several are expected in the next few hours. vertices between the Regions and Arcuri to understand how to reshape the roadmap, ensure i remember and at the same time prevent certain areas of the country from leaving too late compared to the others. here is the calendar region by region.
Aosta Valley – Within this week, I remember of the Covid vaccine and, as of February 8, the vaccination campaign will be restarted, as scheduled by regional plan, in favor of those over 80 years of age. “It is expected that a dose quota will arrive today or tomorrow -informs the medical director Maurizio Castelli- which means that we can safely finish the first doses and we can continue the vaccination of those over the nineties, then, when one box, around February 8, may already be intended for those over 80 ”.
Piedmont – The ‘Vaccine Day’ for those over 80, initially set for January 30, has been postponed once to February 6 and, starting today, to a later date. The hypothesis is that it will start at the end of the month anyway. Lombardy – The Region headed by Attilio Fontana is currently the last to leave: the Councilor for Wellbeing, Letizia Moratti, explained that the dates that will be marked on the calendar are March 25-26. Why so late? “In Phase 1, vaccinations are underway Health workers and assistance partner of the RSA hospitalization and assistance facilities and guests. The identified population is a population of 340 thousand units, the adherents are 320 thousand and the criteria that the commissioner has sent us ”, he explained in a hearing in the health committee of Regional Council. To guarantee withdrawals, he explained, it will arrive around March 5. Then it will correspond to the “psychic residence, home care, day centers, but also I pharmacists, other dental, military health and personal professions to be used in later stages, such as accredited clinics, self-employed physicians, scientific representatives of the drug and other operators ”, explained Moratti. Only then, that is, at the end of March, will the change of the 80s begin.
Trentino Alto Adige – The second phase has already started weeks ago. In South Tyrol, the reason is the high number of objectors between doctors and nurses, as clarified by the Minister of Health Thomas widmann. Since there are not enough staff willing to get vaccinated, according to Roma, it was decided to anticipate those over 80.
Veneto – The governor Luca zaia explained that “in mid-February we will start with those over 80 and at the end of this age group they will continue over 75. We will be safe when we have also vaccinated those over 65 ″. “We are ready to vaccinate – he explained – we only need the vaccines. Of course, the country’s vaccination plan has for the moment been neglected due to reductions in supplies but Pfizer itself has announced that it will have a production surplus In the next weeks.
Friuli Venezia Giulia – Also in the Region of Massimiliano Fedriga The start of the second phase is scheduled for the second half of February.
Liguria – As the governor wished, Giovanni toti, the departure date for seniors is February 12.
Emilia Romagna – There is no official date yet, but it will probably start in late February. the new vaccination plan for the Region will be presented on Friday.
Tuscany – There is no official date yet, but regional health advisor Bezzini has made it known that the intention is to start in mid-February. In fact, as of tomorrow the reserves have been reopened to allow the last health workers to receive the vaccine. Then phase 2 will take place.
Market – There is no date here either.
Umbria – Since Tuesday, the Region has explained that new supplies from Pfizer will arrive, to which are added the Moderna vials, for a total of almost 40 thousand doses. The aim is to end the health workers and the elderly of the RSA to pass, as of February 8, to those who do not live in nursing homes.
Lazio – In the Region led by Nicola Zingaretti the online reservations they left today, after a technical error what blew the platform and it keeps giving problems. In the first 7 minutes, 2,200 are reserved, said the Crisis Unit for emergency management. The telephone number is also operational since this morning, which has been improved with more than 200 lines at the same time and serves approximately 300 operators. At the moment, 1,600 telephone reservations have already been made. The injections will begin on February 8.
Abruzzo – Reservations are now open and will close on February 28, but there is no official date for the start of administration yet.
Molise – There is no official date yet.
Campania – The governor Vincenzo De Luca decided to leave with the over 80s between February 10 and 15. Reservations are possible from Saturday January 30 through the tax code. According to some local newspapers, at the moment, however, there is no space on the online platform to indicate if you need to receive the dose. at home.
Basilicata – It was thought of February 1, but the date was ‘frozen’ due to delays in deliveries. The regional vaccine plan will be reviewed in the coming days, according to the Region.
Puglia – Puglia is on the starting line. “This week we will have the first 4,300 doses of Moderna and others available 32 thousand doses of Pfizer. We plan to vaccinate dentists and autonomous doctors with the first and – continues the epidemiologist – with the other to conclude the calls to operators and guests of the health and socio-health residences ”. Except for unforeseen events, therefore, as of Monday, February 8, we will go out with the elderly and with the last calls from doctors.
Calabria – The Region, one of the most backward in the administration of available doses, has not yet communicated a precise date.
Sicily – The start of phase two has been postponed to the end of February.
Sardinia – The start was scheduled for mid-February, but was postponed for four weeks. The hypothesis, for the moment, is that the island’s elderly will receive the first doses only in mid-March.