Second Mario draghi post-coronavirus economic recovery will inevitably have to pass for gods massive test, at least until the discovery of the vaccine.
The latter, in addition, will be essential to eliminate current uncertainties, according to the statements made by the former president of the ECB during an electronic intervention at the congress of the European Society of Cardiology – Escardio 2020.
Mario Draghi and the coronavirus: vaccines and massive tests are needed
For the former central governor, until the discovery of the vaccine, all countries affected by the coronavirus will have to start massive tests, which will then be accompanied by a correct tracking activities.
Only in this way, to use Draghi’s own words, will it be possible revive the economy.
“They have to become normal and therefore be implemented every day and around the world ”.
Governments, he continued, have reacted well to the crisis, but only the discovery of the vaccine can eliminate the current uncertainties.
Focus on work and health
During his interesting speech, Draghi also spoke of the need to invest in sectors able to create jobs especially for young people.
“Subsidies will have to decrease but at the same time jobs will be created. It is very good that the government is able to provide jobs and accept subsidies, and once again it is particularly good for young people ”.
Health will also have to play a central role, as the coronavirus has only highlighted the importance of a strong and robust system.