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In the midst of the pandemic, we are forced to watch, petrified by the struggle between the new stars of the virus, also known as virologists and infectious diseases, who face a delusion of narcissistic subjectivity that predominates over the objectivity that science should rather guard . If the unscientific skepticism about vaccines comes from those who should be the defenders of a healthy scientific dogmatism, the risk is to destabilize the collective psychology, depriving it of a perspective of emancipation from the pandemic emergency. Andrea Crisanti, director of the Department of Molecular Medicine of Padua, advanced doubts about new vaccines against coronavirus: «I don’t want shortcuts. It usually takes 5 to 8 years to produce a vaccine. Therefore, without available data, I would not have the first vaccine that should arrive in January.
To Crisanti he responded with style Matteo bassetti, director of the infectious diseases clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, questioning the seriousness of the anti-vaccine incursion: «Professor Crisanti’s statements about the anti-Covid vaccine are very serious. I think the entire scientific community should distance itself from what he said. This is his thinking and all responsibilities must be assumed at a time when the country needs to be united.
It is difficult for the country to reform in unity if the first to split is the scientific community which should represent the main compass that unifies citizens, prefiguring a horizon of trust.
«If I or my colleague Alberto Zangrillo had said such a thing, what would have happened? I would get vaccinated today, ”added Bassetti. Also the Vice Minister of Health Pierpaolo sileri he intervened, distancing himself from the distrust in the anti-Covid vaccine pronounced by Crisanti: “I think that Crisanti is wrong: the vaccine will be safe. When I get there and get into the categories that can do it right away, I will.
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