“The situation – added the president of the European Commission – is very serious, no country is saved from the second wave and the cases of Covid confirmed last week in Europe are 1.1 million: we can expect that the figures will continue to increase in the next 2-3 weeks. “
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Brussels now proposes massive rapid tests, monitoring of applications that work in all countries, quarantine uniformity and, above all, preparation of coronavirus vaccination campaigns so that individual countries are ready as soon as the vaccine is authorized by the Agency. European. of the drug (Ema), probably between the end of January and the beginning of February, as he explained in an interview with Republic its executive director, Guido Rasi.
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In Europe 700 million people vaccinated since April
Thanks to the contracts signed in recent months, “the EU will be able to count between 20 and 50 million doses of the vaccine per month from April,” said Von der Leyen. “In the best of cases, the EU will be able to vaccinate up to 700 million people”, thus being able to “make donations to the countries most in need”, he stressed. The proposals put on the table today by Brussels will be discussed tomorrow by the Heads of State and Government in a video summit called for the afternoon by Charles Michel, President of the European Council.
Intensify rapid tests
Specifically, the EU Commission calls on governments to intensify the number of rapid tests, considered essential to make political decisions with the best possible knowledge of the pandemic and to counteract the spread of the virus. For this reason, the community executive immediately allocates 100 million euros to help capital stocks.
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Therefore, the Commission will launch EU contracts that governments can join for bulk purchases of tampons. They will have to be used at airports for all travelers in order not to block movements within the Union. For this reason, Brussels calls for mutual recognition of buffers between EU partners. Brussels calls on governments to use them in as many contexts as possible, starting with hospitals and nursing homes. The objective would be to analyze as much of the population as possible, but in case of insufficient evidence, symptomatic should be preferred. The Commission asks capitals to present a rapid test plan in mid-October.
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Travel, quarantine and tracking apps
In addition to the need to harmonize the duration of quarantine in all European countries, to facilitate travel and avoid the total collapse of the Schengen as happened last spring, the Commission calls on all countries to equip themselves with tracking applications and put in contact. between them, so that they work wherever there is a citizen in Europe. Meanwhile, Brussels will launch “Re-open Eu”, the interactive map of anti-Covid travel restrictions in Europe that is constantly updated so that people always know where and how they can go.
Common strategy on vaccines
A fundamental point for the European strategy is that regarding vaccines as, as explained to Republic Rasi, will be authorized between January and February, but if governments are not ready with plans for their distribution, the mass vaccination times will be extended by 4-5 months, extending the life of the pandemic. That is why Brussels is now asking governments to prepare a national vaccine strategy and a specific communication plan to combat fake news about them that, it is easy to predict, will represent the second phase of the Infodemic that has hit the Union along with the pandemic signed by actors who want to lengthen the health crisis in Europe to destabilize it.