Vaccine, storm in Crisanti: “It damages the country.” He: “They gave me tools …


After the microbiologist’s words

After the microbiologist’s words

“They asked me a question: would you do it today? Today I would not do the vaccine because there is only data from company announcements and because today there is not enough knowledge. So in ANSA Andrea Crisanti, director of microbiology and virology at the University of Padua, after some of his words about the coronavirus vaccine provoked a flood of critical reactions.

“When the scientific community has examined it – he said – I will. I don’t understand where the problem is. I am one of the signatory-proponents of influenza vaccination, how can I be against a vaccine? This is a real exploitation. I say that to make a vaccine, I personally want it to be approved and I want to see the data.

Crisanti told Focus Live: “Normally it takes 5 to 8 years to produce a vaccine. So, without available data, you would not have the first vaccine that should arrive in January. Because I would like to be sure that this vaccine has been properly tested and meets all criteria for safety and efficacy. I have the right to it as a citizen and I am not willing to accept shortcuts “

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«Professor Crisanti’s statements about the Covid vaccine are very serious. To insinuate doubts about the scientific nature of vaccines is anachronistic and misleading for people. Infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti writes on Facebook, where he asks’ If we had said something like that, what would have happened, me or my colleague Alberto Zangrillo? ”.

“If there was a vaccine, I would do it immediately”, comments the president of the Higher Health Council Franco Locatelli: “The safety profiles of the vaccines that will be commercially available will follow a series of unavoidable steps, guaranteed by the regulated bodies. And more important. In a country that in itself is sometimes characterized by some perplexity, doubt or hostility to consider vaccination strategies, it is good to be careful with the declarations. All vaccines will have guarantees of safety “.

“I think Crisanti is wrong: the vaccine will be safe. When it will arrive. And I will enter the categories that can do it immediately, I will,” Deputy Health Minister Pierpaolo Sileri told Rainews24.

Nicola Magrini, general director of the Medicines Agency: «The statements attributed to Professor Crisanti are very serious, since they come from a person who has spoken many times as an expert on this pandemic but, from what he says, it does not seem so at all . With his words he damages the country.

Among the critics of Crisanti, also the various Lopalco, Vaia, Viola and Rasi.
