Vaccine plan, the great challenge for the cold chain: Pfizer will collaborate, intelligence and the army to monitor and manage


Now that vaccine candidates are on the threshold of clearance, it’s time to think about transportation, distribution and administration plan. The draft, prepared by experts from the Ministry of Health, is ready. According to reports from La Repubblica, the complex of Pfizer-Biontech it will be managed with the help of the pharmaceutical company. And there will be the military, made available by the Ministry of Defense, to help in an operation with a large number, also administratively.

The intelligence will also monitor management and transportation to prevent vaccine loads from becoming the prey of organized and unorganized criminals. One of the most delicate issues is solving the problems of Cold chain, The Pfizer compound predicts polar temperatures for storage. Therefore, no less than five hundred freezing cells will be needed capable of maintaining temperatures between -70 and -80 degrees. Also the vaccine candidate from another US pharmaceutical company, Modern, you will need that preservation. In any case, even all high-grade compounds that have reached phase 3 and are pending authorization need transport and storage temperatures below freezing. Pfizer, according to Repubblica, would have made it known that it was available for transport and that it could take it to its destination. the vaccine in a thousand places. The plan will also state how many there may be regional vaccine storage centers, even more than one depending on the size and territorial needs. “There is some problem for the cold chain for the distribution of the Covid vaccine but it was known and it has not been found that the ministry is not prepared for these aspects of logistics. Now the work that will be done with Arcuri will allow us to have an adequate distribution mechanism taking into account that there are other vaccines that are also arriving. They are investing in different vaccination platforms in order to have a greater number of vaccines available, “the president of the Higher Health Council explained yesterday. Franco Locatelli.

To solve the problems there are also those who apply. “The know-how of companies specialized in refrigeration and logistics that insist on the Casalese area It has no equal – says Mayor Federico Riboldi candida Casale Monferrato (Alessandria) – can play a fundamental role in the challenge that the country will soon have to face: that of the distribution of more than 60 million doses of the anti-Covid vaccine. We have already sent the documents to Domenico Arcuri, extraordinary government commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency, to confirm that Casale Monferrato, Capital del Frío, will be able to play a leading role in this party ”, confirms the mayor, who had a videoconference with companies premises that may take care of storage, transport and delivery.

Once the distribution problems are overcome, it will have to be managed. “It is also being perfected with a reflection with the regions, but in the next few days the minister will know it,” he said. Gianni rezza during Friday’s press conference on weekly tracking data. The indications are always of a medical nature, starting from the categories to be subjected to vaccination as a priority. “One million 700 thousand citizens must immediately receive the doses, who will be chosen based on a series of categories identified according to their”fragility and possible exposure to the virus“. As all the experts and the government itself have indicated on several occasions, at the top of the list will be Health workers, to begin with the protection of the most exposed professional category, the Old people (starting with the most fragile patients hospitalized in the RSA) and people whose health is more precarious such as the chronically ill. The last will be the young. When the first doses arrive, no particular problems are expected: the doctors at the vaccination centers will be the first to be called. Then we will have to expand the team of vaccinators with great probability to family doctors. the vaccination plan in Great Britain it has already provided them with a system of financial incentives to speed up the process to the maximum. General practitioners will need to submit lists of their most fragile clients and prioritized databases will be created. Then it will have to be inoculated. And, of course, we will need the syringes.

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