Vaccine, is one dose enough for immunity? The answer is no (and caution is needed even after the second)


Vaccine, is one dose enough for immunity?  The answer is no (and caution is needed even after the second)

Avoid getting sick from Covid-19 and protect those who are most at risk of contracting the disease in the most serious form: at this time that is the goal of vaccination, since it is known that the vaccine acts gradually and that its full effectiveness is reached only one week later of the second dose. However, it is not yet known whether vaccination protects against infection and therefore all precautions must continue to be taken throughout the duration of the vaccination campaign. “The 95% efficacy found in clinical trials refers to one week after the second dose. Therefore, the maximum protection is obtained after this period ”, the expected efficiency is around 95%.

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The case of the Syracuse doctor

For this reason, says Salmaso, “an infection identified six days after the first dose of the vaccine is not a failure or a case of ineffectiveness of the vaccine” (as in the case of the doctor from Syracuse, read the article here). Efficacy, continues the expert, “is calculated on the manifest clinical forms and at the moment we do not have enough data to understand if vaccination prevents infection, nor do we know if vaccinated people can be infected or if, if contagious”. These are answers that will undoubtedly come in time. “We now know that the vaccine protects against the disease and helps prevent serious cases that require hospitalization or risk a fatal outcome.” The current goal, therefore, is not to block the circulation of virus and that is why, Salmaso concludes, that “in this initial phase of the vaccination campaign it is very important not to abandon caution”.

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Last updated: 20:03

