
This is still bad news from the vaccine front. AstraZeneca has decided to further cut its supplies to Italy: doses are delivered in a week with a reduction between 10 and 15%, as communicated to several regions. Instead of 566 thousand vials, 506 thousand are delivered. The administration plan thus accumulates further delays, just as the phase involving the school and law enforcement is entering full swing. And it makes the Regions even more nervous, so much so that after a long Conference of Governors, President Stefano Bonaccini makes a unanimous appeal to the government, which calls for an urgent meeting: “We need a decisive change of pace in the vaccination campaign , which is the priority and is slow, not because of organizational problems. The problem is the supply. “Ultimately, the Draghi executive must seek more doses, then personnel are needed to vaccinate, with a framework agreement with general practitioners.
As for Astrazeneca, “it is a reduction of 9 thousand doses for the next deliveries and this is bad news,” says Lazio Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato. “The sudden reduction is very serious – says Governor Nicola Zingaretti -. We are doing everything possible, but with this uncertainty everything is more difficult. Situation “unsustainable” for the president of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, who asked Mario Draghi “to make his” authoritarian “voice heard in Europe to protect Italian interests and the vaccination campaign of the Regions. In the afternoon, with a press release , Astrazeneca reveals that “it works to respect the commitment to deliver 4.2 million doses to Italy in the first quarter, with the goal of exceeding 5 million.” “The delivery made yesterday was approximately 7% lower than the forecasts – affirms the multinational – but in the same way the deliveries of the previous week were slightly higher than those foreseen ”.
AstraZeneca’s response
Astrazeneca emphasizes the complexity of producing such a vaccine, reiterates that it only sells to governments, and warns against scams. But one more stop, which was added to that of Moderna days ago (but in much smaller quantities) and before Pfizer, breaks into the debate on the purchasing autonomy of the Regions. After the President of Veneto Luca Zaia, who spoke of 27 million doses offered to the Region by intermediaries, requesting the approval of the purchase from Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, today Tuscany speaks of autarky in the production of anti-Covid. “We are thinking of using European funds earmarked for pharmaceutical research and, in particular, for vaccines to encourage their production – says Governor Eugenio Giani -: therefore, my invitation to Tuscan companies is to prepare to take advantage of this chance”. “Italy protects the national interests and the programs of the Regions – says Zingaretti -, meanwhile, let’s prepare the production of vaccines validated by Ema and Aifa (European and Italian pharmaceutical agencies, ed) by our companies”. And in recent days, the project of a possible Russian Sputnik production had been aired in Lazio, reinforced by the results of the Spallanzani study that judged that the Russian serum was 92% effective and safe. The Republic of San Marino, inserted in the territory of Emilia Romagna, among the regions most affected by the coronavirus, chooses not to wait for the authorization of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the Russian vaccine (which is not yet requested).
“At this time it is impossible to find vaccines on the official market that are already approved by the EMA, outside the channel with the EU Commission – says the Secretary of State of San Marino de San Marino, Roberto Ciavatta -. So we also decided to take the Sputnik route for a limited amount, 15% of the requirement. “We feel guaranteed.” he adds, given the use of Sputnik in many other countries. Meanwhile, “the EMA has already outlined the guidelines that we will publish in the coming days and that we have agreed with the FDA (Federal and Drug Administration, US counterpart, Ed) to facilitate new vaccines against variants”, says Marco Cavaleri , Director of the Department of Vaccines Ema -; the EU Commission will streamline the administrative process to approve these new vaccines ”. Ema will also evaluate the preservation of the Pfizer vaccine at -15 / -25 degrees instead of -70, the company announced, which would facilitate the administration campaign.
Last updated: 22:34