Vaccine against the coronavirus, Esperanza: «At the beginning we will have some doses. The first for doctors and the elderly “


Wait, until when?
“Until the vaccine we must keep the level of care very high, even if the Italian situation is fortunately different from other European countries.”

How many positive students and teachers have you estimated? Conte said that 50,000 would not be that many.
“There are no estimates, but it would be foolhardy to imagine that there will be no positive cases in Italy. My hope is that they are as low as possible, much will depend on the ability to respect the three fundamental rules: masks, distance and hand washing.

Can the government fall if you fail?
“Enough of the electoral campaign at school. The reopening is a great challenge for the entire national community.

Is it an appeal to the opposition? Salvini?
“No, it is a message for the country. We must regain the national momentum that has allowed us to overcome the most difficult months. In the spring, the country formed a cohort, as our anthem says. We managed to bend the contagion curve because there was a deep harmony between the government’s measures and the common sentiment of the people. September 14 is too important a date. Please imagine that two weeks of election campaign at school is insane. This challenge is won with a pact that involves the entire country, no one excluded.

When does the vaccine arrive?
“I don’t know what day it will be or which vaccine will be the right one, but I think the goal is not far off. The contract with AstraZeneca foresees the first doses at the end of the year ”.

Can you avoid favoritism in tampons, as happened in Capri with Belén?
“I don’t know this story. I know that on Friday we made 113,000 swabs, never so many since the beginning of the crisis. We will continue to invest and expand testing capacity. “

Can you guarantee 11 million masks in schools?
“Yep. We are the only country that gives away a surgical mask every day. Behind that mask that the State gives to everyone, children of the rich or children of the unemployed, there is the safety of each student. A beautiful thing, of justice» .

The minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee revealed that the government’s plan for the Covid emergency exists. Why did you deny it?
“It was not a plan, but an ongoing study of different possible scenarios, started by our scientists in mid-February and completed in March.”

So as not to scare the population? Or to fill a “gap” in decision-making?
But what a hole! I remember that on February 14, the ECDC assessed the spread of the coronavirus in Europe as unlikely. On the 21st the Codogno case exploded. It was a merit to do that study ».

Have you applied it?
“Some intuitions have also been applied, but in those pages there were hypothetical, random evaluations, so much so that the editor himself considered keeping it confidential. He made a fuss for nothing.

In Regionals you run the risk. If he loses, will the prime minister leave?
“Conte is not campaigning and he certainly is not voting on the government. The truth is that in many regions we run the risk of not winning because we are divided. This is not OK. Governing the country together and dividing into territories is a limit that must absolutely be overcome. My hope is that the voters are better than us and do what we have not been able to do before at the polls.

September 6, 2020 (change September 6, 2020 | 07:08)

