Vaccine against Covid, the virologist Pregliasco gave the injection: “Among the first in Lombardy, I’m fine. It’s the only way out of the tunnel”


“I have the vaccine, I’m fine, no adverse events immediately. I’m glad I was among the first to Lombardy, testimony of this V-Day “. The virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, scientific supervisor of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio and medical director of Galeazzi in Milan, received the first dose of the serum Pfizer at the Niguarda hospital. Along with him, Sacco’s infectious disease specialist also underwent the anti-Covid injection. Massimo galli, among the symbols of the fight against the virus. Over the course of the day, more than 1,000 healthcare workers, nurses and doctors are expected to be vaccinated across the region. “It is a duty to vaccinate, it is the only way out of this tunnel. Today is a symbolic starting point, it tells us that we can begin to look to the future with hope, ”Pregliasco said immediately after the injection.

In fact, in recent months, the virologist from the State University had expressed more than one doubt about the drugs produced by the different pharmaceutical companies: at the end of November he explained that “there are points to be clarified, because so far they have been know incomplete information, starting with the question of the possible contagion of vaccinated subjects. “However, after the approval of the vaccine by the European Medicines Agency and the publication of all the scientific data of the trial, Pregliasco changed his mind. And during the V-day he is also expected in Pio Albergo Trivulzio, a historic Milanese nursing home, where vaccination for the health personnel from the personal services company.

“I have confidence in safety – reiterates the virologist of the State University of Milan inAdnkronos – I have always dealt only with develop vaccines in the area of ​​influenza and hepatitis and I trust the evaluation methods. Vaccination is important because it serves as a community action: one gets vaccinated for others and this is the only way that our community can also resume a peaceful economic life. A “symbolic starting point, but it will be necessary in the short term to be able to expand coverage. I am happy to have done so, because I believe that it is a duty to demonstrate the safety and efficacy “of Scudo products.” Vaccines have been in the past, are and will be a fundamental element in the future, “insists the expert. the hesitation that ranks even among health professionals, “it is a shame – is your comment – but we have also seen it in other vaccines, such as influenza, which until last year only had 15-20% of vaccinated companions This year they have come in many more, 50-60% and this is a positive message“.
