In Italy, as in the rest of the world, the expectation for vaccine against coronavirus. Some projects seem to give excellent results in terms of effectiveness and this could mean the end of the emergency and a return to normality similar to that experienced until last February. However, even in this case science is divided in its statements, causing great confusion but, above all, undermining the confidence of citizens. The first to have some doubts about the effects of vaccines are the doctors themselves, who provide different arguments to their perplexities, even if the most recurrent refers to the too tight development time in relation to vaccination solutions, which are normally produced in longer periods of time. large. Beyond this, in recent hours a new tirade has developed in the world of science: vaccinated subjects can be contagious? Ilaria Capua took the side of the yes but Roberto Burioni seems willing to refute this thesis.
As is often the case, the two positions were expressed through Twitter and have opened a wide debate even among the followers of the two doctors, most of whom do not have specific knowledge in the medical field. However, the tone of the discussion and the arguments show how our country is at the mercy of widespread confusion. “Synthesis of vaccines. In general, if a person vaccinated against disease X came into contact with virus X, would they get sick from X? No. In general, the same person vaccinated and exposed to infection X could transmit virus X to an unvaccinated person? yes“Writes Ilaria Capua. The same concept was expressed during Tuesday’s program:”The Covid vaccine protects against the disease. But, being vaccinated, can I walk like I’m 100% sure? The answer is no. Vaccination, in fact, is effective against disease but against infection it is not 100% effective. It definitely reduces the amount of viruses a lotThe director of the One Health Center of Excellence at the University of Florida explained that only a few vaccines give sterile immunity, for this reason he warns that the vaccine will not be a ‘free all’ but that it will be necessary to continue using the protections: “It is not the panacea, is one of the tools that will accompany us beyond the pandemic“.
However, Ilaria Capua’s argument was disavowed by Roberto Burioni: “The news is that (in general) vaccinated people are protected but can transmit the disease. This is not true. For measles, rubella, mumps or chicken pox, and here I stop, but the list is long, those who are vaccinated cannot get infected and I can’t transmit the illness“. Roberto Burioni, then, specified about the specific case, since the path of vaccines against Covid is not yet finished:”Obviously, we do not know anything about what will happen with the different COVID-19 vaccines“The virologist has also written an ad hoc article to better argue his thesis.
“Think: science” (cit.) pic.twitter.com/xJ6z7cwF2S
– Sergio Scandura (@scandura) November 26, 2020