vacancies in the seven Regions


The polls have been opened for him regional elections, where they will vote to elect the new president in seven Regions: Campania, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Tuscany, Veneto and Valle d’Aosta.

In addition to the regional elections, the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians, the administrative ones in more than 1,100 municipalities and the supplementary elections to the Senate in the schools Sardinia 03 and Veneto 09 will also be voted.

This is the first electoral date in times of a pandemic: in addition to a strict health protocol, the government has also established a return to double voting hours. The seats on the day of Sunday will remain open until 23:00, while Monday You can vote from 07:00 to 15:00.

Consequently, it will be a long marathon that can be followed in Diretta live down, waiting for the release of exit survey and gods official results with the first data that will begin to be released from 3:00 p.m. on Monday.

By clicking on the links below, you can read thespecific study where you can find all the information about the candidates and the voting system.

Regional elections: LIVE LIVE of the vote

11:11 – With disinfection instructions for voters and cashiers and the need to disinfect pencils after each use, the gel is likely insufficient in many seats. The first similar alarms came from Lazio and Campania.

10:25 – The first news related to the absences of the same voting staff in various regions begins to leak: also in Naples 200 chairmen seats they did not show up for fear of contagion.

10:17 – The president of the Campania region Vincenzo De Luca, who aspires to reconfirmation, voted shortly after 8 in the 24th place in Salerno. He arrived alone at the polling place and carried out the operations quickly, without attracting the press or the spectators.

07:55 – The regional electoral law does not provide for voting, the candidate with the most votes being elected president. The only exception is Tuscany, where if no one exceeds 40% there will be a ballot between the two most voted.

07:39 – Despite the strict sanitary protocol, there are currently no problems related to voting.

07:05 – In addition to the obligation to wear a mask and respect social distancing, people with fever or respiratory symptoms are invited to stay home.

07:00 – Open seats throughout Italy.

Exit survey

the exit poll These are surveys carried out by the different research institutes directly on the day of the vote outside the polling stations, when voters are interviewed after having expressed their preference.

For this reason they are considered much more reliable than traditional surveys, who instead ask the intention to vote and not what was voted, understanding that a citizen can always lie in both cases.

By law in Italy, exit polls cannot be broadcast while voting is still in progress, but only when polling stations closed so as not to influence voters’ choices.

The first exit polls for regional elections 2020 therefore, they can only be issued after 3:00 p.m. on Monday 21, or when voting operations will be completed.

The official results

As mentioned, when it comes to voting, priority will be given to the referendum. Starting on the afternoon of Monday the 21st then you can continue on real-time vote counting of the regional elections.

In total they will be seven candidates on the ground for these regional elections in Campania. These are the official results after counting 0 sections of 5,835.

Candidate ^ List Percentage

Sergio Angrisano Third pole /

Stefano caldoro Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Caldoro President-UdC, Central Alliance, South Identity-South Macroregion /

Valeria Ciarambino 5 star movement /

Jose Cirillo Party of good manners /

Vincenzo De Luca Democratic Party, Italia Viva, Italian Socialist Party, Democratic Center, + Campania in Europe, Green Europe-Democrats, President De Luca, Free Campania, Making Democratic-Popular, Democrats and Progressives, Really Sustainability and Rights-Animalist Party, League for the Italy-PRI, Liberal and Moderate Democrats, Noi Campani, For the People and the Community /

Giuliano Granato Power to the people /

Luca Saltalamacchia Terra /

In total they will be new and candidates on the ground for these regional elections in Liguria. These are the official results after counting 0 sections out of 1,790.

In total they will be eight candidates in the field for these regional elections in the Marches. These are the official results after counting 0 sections out of 1,583.

Candidate ^ List Percentage

Francesco Acquaroli Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Unione di Centro, Movimento per le Marche, Civici with Acquaroli /

Sabrina banzato Vox Italy /

Alessandra Contigiani Reconquest Italy /

Anna Rita Iannetti Moving 3V /

Roberto Mancini It depends on us /

Maurizio Mangialardi Democratic Party, Italy Viva-PSI-DemoS-Civici Marche, Rinasci Marche, Our Marche & the Center, Mangialardi Presidents List, Brave Marches /

Gian Mario Mercorelli 5 star movement /

Fabio Pasquinelli communist party /

In total they will be eight candidates in the field for these regional elections in Puglia. These are the official results after counting 0 sections out of 4,016.

Candidate ^ List Percentage

Pierfranco bruni Tricolor flame /

Nicola Cesaria Constitution of the Work Environment /

Mario Conca President of Citizens of Puglia-Conca /

Andrea D’Agosto Reconquest Italy /

Raffaele Fitto Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Union of Center-New PSI, Puglia Tomorrow /

Michele Emiliano Democratic Party, Italy in the Municipality, Emiliano Mayor of Puglia, Civic Sense, With Emiliano, Popular with Emiliano, Green and Solidarity Puglia, Really-Ecology and Rights-PAI, Retired and Disabled, Southern Party, Southern Independents, Christian Democracy , Liberals, Alternative Left /

Antonella Laricchia 5 star movement, Puglia Futura /

Ivan Scalfarotto Italia Viva, President of Scalfarotto- + Europa, Green Future /

In total they will be seven candidates in the field for these regional elections in Tuscany. These are the official results after counting 0 sections out of 4,007.

In total they will be new and candidates on the ground for these regional elections in Veneto. These are the official results after counting 0 sections out of 4,742.
