useless measures, we protect the most fragile – Time


Government measures are “unnecessary” and Giorgia Meloni launches a proposal, a change of pace in the fight against the virus. “The paradigm must be changed in the emergence of Covid. Since the virus cannot be eliminated in a short time, we must work to protect those most at risk: elderly, frail, sick. With confusing and useless measures we run the risk of another confinement, which we cannot afford, “said the leader of the Brothers of Italy in an interview with Messenger Service.

Conte's usual arrogance with Salvini, Meloni and Berlusconi

First Giuseppe Conte it involves the opposition only in words, in front of the cameras. “The government does not involve the opposition, it only gives us the last minute call. There is no general strategy. We are pursuing the virus with largely useless measures”; Giorgia attacks who reveals: “Already in April FdI had asked for precise data on mortality and infections, in the end we had to do it alone with our research department. Today, that we have the second wave, we still do not know the relationship between swabs, hospitalized, asymptomatic, there is no transparency. What has been done since July until today? (…) we let ourselves be caught off guard. Why, with a return contagion, were there no controls to those who came from abroad, protected areas free from Covid, frustrated the landings of illegal immigrants? ”.

The defects came out with the opening of the schools. “All summer talking about benches with wheels, now the contest of thousands of teachers: were they the priorities? It was necessary to have thermo-scanners, a tensile structure, it was a priority to involve individuals so that their spaces were available (…). A general and comprehensive plan was needed that had Dad’s as its extreme level of intervention, but no, Azzolina’s genius had to think about benches on wheels. And for transportation, what has been done? Ah yes, scooters! “is the torpedo of the leader of FdI.

Dpcm of October 18, here is the full text of Conte's decree

Meloni also attacks the government for the insufficient response to the economic crisis due to the pandemic. On health management, for his part, he launched a proposal: “With Covid you can get sick again and even the vaccine and general immunization can take two years. And then, let’s reverse the paradigm and organize a system to not stop the infection in 360 degrees, because it is impossible, but for protect the most exposed, the most fragile. Structure ahome care h / 24, hotels are used as residences to make them available to those who need protection, people in danger are put in safety – declares the leader of Fratelli d’Italia – Because if the virus impacts almost zero in the very young and much in the elderly , you cannot adopt the same system for everyone and get lost in a thousand streams with useless measures. We do not die only from Covid, but also from hospitals that no longer work, from new and deep poverty.
