Use: Experts skeptical of the jetpack man, perhaps a drone – Breaking news


(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 02 – American aviation experts are not convinced by the sighting of a man flying at high altitude with a jet pack made by the pilots of two planes last Sunday over the Los Angeles skies.

David Mayman, chief executive of Jetpack Aviation, a Los Angeles-based maker of these devices, doubts it is a human being. Interviewed by CBS News, Mayman explained that the jet pack “would have run dry, because they consume fuel quickly.” These devices, he added, generally have a battery life of only about 5 to 10 minutes. Also, he stressed, “if it’s a real jet pack, it’s noisy, people will hear it take off and land.”

According to CBS, there is no jet backpack on the market capable of reaching the altitude of about 3,000 feet (915 meters) reported by the pilots who witnessed the episode and Mayman pointed out that his company does not sell to the public as it has a research contract and development with the Pentagon for this type of technology. So, the CEO concluded, “whoever went flying with this (backpack-jet) probably built it themselves.” And this leads the manager to think that the American Airlines and JetBlue pilots are more likely to see a large drone. (HANDLE).