Use 2020, had it not been for Covid, Trump would have won. And this for a reason


It is useless to turn it around: in any case the presidential elections in the United States will end, the data that emerges right now is that if it were not for the pandemic Donald trump would have swept. Now, considering that we are talking about the leading country of the Christian, liberal and democratic West, the lesson to be learned is only one: we are witnessing the decline of that West, at least as we know it today.

It is not about recognizing oneself as Democrats or Republicans, nor about defining oneself as the right or the left, just to resort to the categories of the 20th century. The point is another and refers to the very foundations of our civilization: cultural, political, ethical. Yes, because it so happens that the current President of the United States is open and proud homophobic me sexist.

But not only (and not so much): it has erected a shameful wall on the Mexican border, separating children from parents, people from friends and loved ones. Broke the laws taxes evaded, sealed dark and haunting deals with Vladimir Putin (not really a democrat, liberal and early Christian …).

Finally, he saw the country he governed, the United States of America, devastated by more than 230,000 deaths from a virus that the president himself denied, attributed to the Chinese, downplayed, even the irresponsible gesture of inviting its citizens to not let your life is conditioned by COVID-19. In short: reactionary, denier, and inclined to wink at the supremacist, racist and xenophobic movements.

There is nothing about Donald Trump that is Christian, Democrat, and liberal. Yet the people of the country lead a West that insists on invoking those values, voting for it en masse, so much so that despite the failures, scandals and shame of his presidential term, Trump’s is a substantial showdown. with the Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

But let’s be clear, it is not my intention to make it a moral issue, much less moralistic. The point is another. We are facing a paradigm shift in the West as we have understood it to date. How to explain, in fact, that the American people vote en masse for such a president, and that also in Italy Matteo salvini me Giorgia Meloni (in two they now represent almost the 50% of the electorate, according to polls) have no qualms in stating that they encourage the blonde candidate?

Here we come to the point that many, especially on the left (for what remains of it), do not want to consider: that is, the fact that for many people worse than Trump, therefore worse than those supported by the Nazis, racist, suprematisti, deniers and tax evaders, there’s just Joe Biden and everything he stands for. But then the question is essential: what could represent worse, the democratic exponent, in comparison with the Trumpian positions that we have just enumerated?

I want to clarify it immediately: for me little or nothing is worse than the ideological and anthropological galaxy embodied by Trump. But here it is necessary to get rid of the irrelevant subjective position, to treat the much more binding objective data of a president (and in general of ideas, convictions and practical actions) that he obtains. long consensus both in his own country and in many other nations of the Western Assembly.

There is no doubt that DemocratsLabor and the left in general were those politicians (and related governments) who, starting in the nineties of the last century (and therefore after 1989), enacted most of the laws by which banks, finances and billionaires acquired the world government, and with which, in parallel, the Keynesian system in force since the end of World War II was dismantled, together with the protections and workers rights and from the most disadvantaged social classes.

Increasing the economic suffering and the social life that followed a large part of the middle class, together with the exponential rise in inequality and privileges reserved for the rich and their very narrow circles, created that explosive situation that, in many ways similar to the period immediately after World War I, today sees many people prefer the “strong man.” In addition to preferring xenophobic, racist, sexist, sovereign and denialist tones, if the alternative is to be a “left” that has stopped dealing with economic rights, labor defense, protection of social justice.

The surprising and scandalous force of politicians like Trump tells us about all this, and the sooner we can see it (and run for cover), the sooner we can find avalid alternative and appreciated by the population. To be clear, after the very serious mistake of underestimating Trump and the disastrous policies that produced him, the next devastating mistake would be to think that his eventual defeat would overcome the problem.
