Bologna, November 16, 2020 – They jump and contagion: Increase the working groups for “door to door” controls of Covid patients. Almost 90 thousand interventions from March to today, slightly less than 11 thousand per month. Today, of 53 thousand active positives in Emilia Romagna ,. more than 50 thousand are at home: like Governor Stefano Bonaccini. The Emilia Romagna Region, one of the first to set up the Usca (Special Care Continuity Units), a service to take the breath away from hospitals, already has 60. They are mainly medical teams that go to hospitals. addresses of patients.
Currently, 358 doctors and 62 health workers are involved on a voluntary basis from Piacenza to Rimini who, from March to date, have provided 86,438 services to be precise. A true tour de force, essential to avoid the collapse of the health system.
The challenge Who are facing Ausl now? “The availability of doctors. Certainly not due to lack of will – they explain from the Department of Health Policies – but because it is a voluntary service and many of them dedicate themselves to other tasks ”. But let’s go in order. In Reggio Emilia there are 12 Usca, 9 in Rimini, 7 in Modena, 6 in Piacenza, 5 in Bologna and the same number in Ferrara, 4 in Parma, 3 respectively in Imola, Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena. Reggio Emilia and Rimini can also count on Usca dedicated to helping the elderly suffering from coronavirus hospitalized in nursing homes. It must also be said that the different Usca number does not reveal the greater or lesser presence of dedicated personnel. “In the most acute phase -explains the Department again- we have reached 84. Clearly this is a service that follows the progress of the epidemic.”
am the Ausl to coordinate the activation of the Usca that only treat patients with full-blown Covid. Asymptomatic and paucisymptomatic people (infected people but with mild symptoms, similar to a trivial flu in short) should be followed by general practitioners. But how does the Usca work? “In the first place, it is about teams that can be made up of one or two doctors who travel on board a company car to reach Covid patients. Depending on the choices of each Ausl, they may be accompanied by support nurses but not there. They are particular obligations – continues the Department -. Not only that: these teams are mostly on-call doctors, licensed and certified doctors, or white coats who are taking the specific training course in general medicine (the same one you must take to become an ed doctor). They not only carry out telephone triages, they are in charge of following patients at home, carrying out electrocardiograms and other controls and, if necessary, going to nursing homes “
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