USA, the best-selling t-shirts. Messi stirs CR7, Pulisic 2nd. Bonucci wins in South Dakota


What is the favorite soccer player in America? The answer comes from, among the main stores dedicated to the world of soccer in the United States, which has developed a ranking based on the best-selling jerseys this season abroad. Lionel messi beats Cristiano Ronaldo, but Portuguese is actually only third, because it fits between the two Christian pulisic, idol of the house. Considering the entire federal territory, the best-selling shirt is in fact that of the Argentine from Barça, followed by the American from Chelsea (first as Messi in 19 states) and then the CR7. Closes the absolute top 5 Mbappé (which, however, is not the first in any federal state) and Rashford (carried away by Alaska’s unsuspected passion for him).

In individual states there is also room for Leonardo Bonucci. In fact, the predilection of the inhabitants of South Dakota for the Juventus defender is surprising (curiously, Bruno Fernandes wins in the North). As well as that of Oregon for Sadio mané. Finally, pay attention to Vermont: you can find locals with the jacket of Dele there.

The best-selling t-shirts in the United States. Top 5
1. Lionel Messi
2. Christian Pulisic
3. Cristiano Ronaldo
4. Kylian Mbappé
5. Marcus Rashford

Top Selling T-shirts in US States Individual States
Lionel Messi – First in 19 states
Christian Pulisic-19
Cristiano Ronaldo – 6
Bonucci – 1 (South Dakota)
Mané – 1 (Oregon)
Bruno Fernandes – 1 (North Dakota)
Dele Alli – 1 (Vermont)
Rashford – 1 (Alaska)
Martial – 1 (Hawaii)
