According to the Washington Post, the incumbent president could announce his candidacy for the 2024 elections before the end of the year.
According to the Washington Post, the incumbent president could announce his candidacy for the 2024 elections before the end of the year.
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A federal judge in Pennsylvania rejected Donald Trump’s campaign demand to suspend voting certification in the state. The rejection paves the way for Pennsylvania authorities to certify the election results. For Trump, this is another defeat, probably the most notable since Joe Biden won the election with 6 million more votes than the incumbent president.
His electoral campaign, however, does not give up and in a note he states that it is his intention to appeal in order to finally reach a Supreme Court ruling.
Trump also wished through Twitter today that “legislators and the courts have the courage to do what must be done to maintain the integrity of our elections and of the United States. The world is watching. “Why is Joe Biden rapidly shaping his administration when my investigators have found hundreds of thousands of illegal votes enough to override the result in at least four states, and thus they have enough votes to win the election?” load.
The Washington Post reports, citing some sources, that Trump could even announce his candidacy for 2024 before the end of the year. in the media.