
Published on: 12/22/2020 9:58 AM
Joe Biden is preparing to enter the White House after the 2020 US elections. But what if Donald Trump doesn’t want to leave? American institutions are preparing for the new president’s inauguration on January 20, but Trump seems increasingly perched. The outgoing president is surrounded by a handful of staunch loyalists in his refusal to accept electoral defeat. A situation that raises concern in Washington about what Trump could do in the coming weeks to try to reverse the result of the elections.
In a peak of denial of reality, Trump even went so far as to say that he will refuse to leave the White House on inauguration day. A huge statement, which he later withdrew, however, leaving his advisers alarmed. In fact, several months before the June vote, Biden, predicting that Trump would not accept defeat, said that if he refused to leave the White House he would be “escorted by the military.”
“Nobody really knows what could happen, he’s president for another month,” White House sources told CNN, increasingly alarmed by the fact that Trump now only listens to a plethora of characters who have taken extremist positions. Starting with Sidney Powell, the theoretical lawyer for the conspiracy of the ‘Venezuelan communists’ to hack into US electoral machines, to former security adviser Michael Flynn, recently pardoned by the president, who proposes using martial law to re-run elections in Key states where Biden won.
These are joined by Steve Bannon, the far-right guru former White House strategist now under federal investigation and who could therefore aspire to presidential pardon, the trade adviser, anti-China super hawk, Peter Navarro, and of course the personal lawyer. , Rudy Giuliani, to whom Trump has entrusted the leadership of the electoral appeals campaign that has struck dozens of defeats in all law firms.
In particular, there is concern that Powell, who was ousted from Trump’s campaign legal team three weeks ago for his wild remarks, may persuade the president to take some extreme measures: “The lawyers are very concerned about anything that involves Sidney Powell “. says a source close to the president after Powell, who is pushing for an executive order to seize all voting machines, was seen again at the White House yesterday.
Also worrying is the upcoming Christmas vacation in Mar a Lago, where Trump will be surrounded by fans who could encourage him to continue the fight. “We won by storm,” Trump said yesterday in a telephone link to a group of supporters in Florida, denying the reality of Biden’s 7 million more popular votes and 306 electoral votes.
Sources describe as “disturbing” the prospect of Trump “obsessed” with implausible scenarios to reverse the elections that he personally knows and talks to by phone with these people without the control of his official advisers.
Among the fans is Mo Brooks, a congressman from Alabama who has already announced that he will oppose ratification of Biden’s election on January 6 in Congress. To do so, however, he needs the support of at least one senator, but Republican leaders in the Senate have urged avoiding any unnecessary opposition and recognizing Biden’s victory.
In the magic circle of the intransigent Trumpians there is also a new entry, Patrick Byrne, the founder of Overstock.com who in 2019 had to leave his company for his comments on the ‘deep state’, which after the meeting at the White House has He tweeted that Trump’s advisers “want him to lose and lie to them, he’s surrounded by mediocre liars.” In the past, the businessman admitted that he had been in a relationship with Russian spy Maria Butina for years.
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