Invoked the stop counting Twitter, before the microblogging site itself called their messages “misleading.” Donald trump in fact he wrote that any vote that came after theElection day it must be overruled, with its eyes obviously set on Pennsylvania, where its advantage over time is getting smaller and smaller. Joe biden. But there are actually many states that have electoral laws, to be remembered are different from state to state, allowing you to accept ballots by mail even several days laterElection day, as long as they have the stamp of November 3. Most predict, like the Pennsylvania, 3 days but in some cases we reached 10, 13, even 20 November, especially in the case of voters residing abroad and the military in bases around the world for whom, it should be remembered, was born absentee vote, that is, the vote by mail which this year was used by a registry number, 65 million Americans, due to the pandemic. Here is the list of all states that accept cards afterElection day, and until when.
ILLINOIS – In the democratic state, which first counted voting by mail and voting in advance, voting by mail ballots will be accepted as of November 17.
IOWA – In the state where Trump won, mail-in ballots will be accepted until November 9.
KANSAS – In the state where Trump won, mail-in ballots will be accepted through Nov. 6 and counted as they arrive.
MINNESOTA – In this state, where Biden won, this year an attempt was made to extend the time to accept ballots by mail until November 10. But the measure was blocked by a court that set the limit at 8 pm on November 3. However, appeals are still pending on this decision and ballots received after the deadline remain.
MISSISSIPPI – In the solidly Republican state, ballots will be accepted until November 10.
NEVADA – In the state, which is one of those where ballot counting is still ongoing with Biden leading by a few thousand votes, ballots must be received by Nov. 10. Nevada is one of the states that, in the face of the pandemic, has sent vote-by-mail ballots to all registered voters.
NEW JERSEY – Ballots must be received by November 10.
NEW YORK – Here also the deadline is November 10.
NORTH CAROLINA – Ballots by mail will be accepted in the state as of November 12. While no winner has yet been declared, Trump’s lead is considered more stable because the subsequent vote was counted as a whole at the beginning of the count.
NORTH DAKOTA – In the state, ballots are accepted by mail until November 9.
KENTUCKY – Even in this republican state, ballots will be accepted until tomorrow.
MARYLAND – In the democratic state, ballots will be accepted until November 13.
MASSACHUSETTS – In the democratic state also the deadline to accept the ballots is tomorrow. (keep going)
OHIO – Ballots will be accepted until November 13, while those that arrive before Election Day will be counted immediately.
PENNSYLVANIA – The Republican Party has challenged a measure that requires all ballots that arrive before November 6 to be counted. The state Supreme Court confirmed it, the Federal Supreme Court did not block it, but now Trump has requested judicial intervention to invalidate the votes that were produced after Election Day.
TEXAS – The state only accepted mail-in ballots until November 4.
UTAH – The Republican state accepts ballots by mail, which however must be stamped from the day before Election Day, that is, from November 2 to November 10 or 17, depending on the counties.
VIRGINIA – The deadline expires tomorrow, November 6.
WASHINGTON – November 23 is the deadline to receive ballots in the state.
WEST VIRGINIA – Ballots by mail will be accepted in the state until November 9.