“Unpredictable long-term damages.” Thus the giant eludes all responsibility – Libero Quotidiano


There is no doubt about the importance of vaccine in the battle against him COVID-19. However, the informed consent form that must be signed before the drug is administered raises some thought. As reported Affariitaliani.it, point 10 of the document says that “it is not possible at the moment to predict long range damage“The note is contained in the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine disclosure. There have been several controversies about the vaccine in question especially at the moment: unlike the traditional ones, the coronavirus serum was made in a fairly short period of time. Therefore, there have not been years of experimentation, most of the time needed to reduce side effects. Like the possibility, in fact, of autoimmune diseases arising over the years. Affariitaliani.it, explains that “the vaccine’s working mechanism, precisely because it prompts the body to continually alert itself, could trigger unpredictable actions in the body. But we are in total uncertainty”.

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