NY – It is the gravestone of Donald Trump’s latest illusions (true or false) to overturn Joe Biden’s victory with legal appeals. As expected, the Supreme Court rejects the appeal filed by the state of Texas, a Republican stronghold, to challenge the results already certified in favor of the Democrat by four other states. It is significant that even the most conservative judges, in a right-wing constitutional court, with six Republicans against three Democrats, have wanted to give way to the extreme and improbable attempt of Texas. The maneuver of that state seemed inconsistent from the beginning: the American electoral system is regulated by all the states and the right has always defended this constitutional prerogative of the local powers. Therefore, the same legal culture of the more conservative judges has prevented considering this “interference” by Texas in the electoral procedures of other states.
With this rejection of the Supreme Court, the way is definitely paved for the last institutional term: on Monday the 14th the Electoral College will take note of the results certified by the 50 States and will formally proclaim Biden as the next president of the United States. It is the institutional passage that paves the way for Inauguration Day, the settlement at the White House in Biden on January 20. What will Trump do now that he has lost all hope? But had he really hoped to overturn an indisputable result through the courts, taking advantage of the local role of Republicans in various states won by Biden? True, Trump has built his controversial real estate career on unscrupulous legal battles, but denying the “victory grant” has other meanings.
First, Trump has built a persona who cannot admit the infamous “loser” epithet, loser, with which he fired rejected competitors on his reality show The Apprentice. Furthermore, denying Biden’s legitimacy may be functional to the political plan to run again in 2024. Trump would spend the next four years reliving the false legend of a rigged and stolen election. He himself prepared the launch of his candidacy in 2015 on the back of another false legend, that of Barack Obama born in Africa and therefore ineligible. That was also a way of challenging the legitimacy of a duly elected president.