Focus on American elections: the debate between Kamala harris me Mike pence drew attention to American power.
These are complex and crucial days in shaping America’s future: the pandemic progress, Trump’s health conditions remain a mystery, the agreement on tax incentives is blocked, the Fed is pushing an incisive government policy, otherwise it will be a total crisis.
In this frame, I markets they hesitate in uncertainty. The 2020 US elections are among the most anomalous, embroiled in a pandemic disaster, and they fear there will be no net, clear and accepted outcome.
In Harris-Pence dibattite The cracks in American power have emerged. And all the divisions between Democrats and Republicans.
Harris-Pence debate: COVID shock, taxes, weather
In the television showdown between Republican and Democratic vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, he highlighted the contrast on crucial issues.
Administration of pandemic, taxes, economy, climate changes: relevant issues, on which the views of Trump and Biden differ significantly. And, above all, to which the markets look with interest and attention.
What did Harris and Pence say to each other? In a television comparison shielded by anti-coronavirus security regulations, with a plexiglass to divide the challengers, the pandemic was one of the most debated topics.
Harris’s energy exploded as he accused the Trump administration of failing to deal with theepidemic: “The American people have witnessed the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country.”.
In response, Pence has blamed china for the pandemic and touted the U.S. administration’s efforts to combat the virus: “The blame for the coronavirus is China and President Trump is not happy about it”.
And then the Republican lobbied on taxes, the economy and sustainability. Pence asked Harris to explain Joe Biden’s plans for Increase taxes and your position in the New green deal, a program to combat climate change that Republicans say would be economically destructive.
“More taxation, more regulation, banning fracking, abolishing fossil fuels, crushing American energy and economic surrender to China is a recipe for Economic decline“:
this is the real threat to America for Pence and, of course, Trump.
But Harris’s response was: “Joe Biden will not raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $ 400,000 a year”. Reiterate, therefore, a tax plan for the rich, which in part also shakes the financial markets.
the United Statestherefore, in the midst of elections, pandemics and economic recovery are increasingly protagonists of the markets and the global scene.