Various letters containing castor bean, a substance that is lethal to humans, has been shipped to the White House and some federal agencies in Texas. According to some major newspapers, one of the packages was addressed to the President of the United States, Donald trump.
It is not the first time that missives with castor bean sent to the president of the United States. In 2013, in fact, some of them had been intercepted and sent to then-President Barack Obama.

Poisoned letter sent to Trump
According to the New York Times, the toxic letter sent to Trump was intercepted at the last sorting office sent to the White House, where the packages are analyzed by the postal service. looking for harmful substance.
According to investigators, cited by the NYT, the letters sent to the White House and federal offices come from Canadaand a woman has already been identified as a suspect. According to CNBC, some letters have been sent to prisons, but it is unclear how many have been sent.
The FBI confirmed the news by posting a statement on Twitter, speaking of a single suspicious letter. However, according to the feds, “there is currently no threat to public safety.”
#FBIStatement: “The FBI and our partners in the US Secret Service and the US Postal Inspection Service are investigating a suspicious letter received at a US government mail facility. At this time, there is no no known threat to public safety. ” pic.twitter.com/jsBMIsDHbt
– FBI Washington Field (@FBIWFO) September 19, 2020
Meaning of ricin
Ricin, especially dangerous when inhaled, is a powerful natural toxin, generally a waste of castor oil production. The average lethal dose is generally 0.2 milligrams per kilo. To date, it has no antidote.
It is a poison, therefore, extremely lethal than yours. ease of implementation he had inspired two boys from Casa Pound in Turin last year who wanted to use ricin to kill rivals in love.
Ricin appeared several times in the series. Breaking Bad.
In 1978, in London, ricin was used in the murder of the Bulgarian journalist. Georgi markov, probably by the KGB, which modified the tip of an umbrella to inject a small dose of substance into a leg.