
The number of dead Registered in Big Brittany among people who had received one or two doses of vaccine. On March 21 (as of December 8) the British Ministry of Health registered 704 deaths within 10 days of vaccination. They are the ones that are filled out in the so-called yellow cards where the doctors register all the symptoms of the vaccinated, adverse and lethal events. No however there is one correlation tested between vaccination and death, because it is necessary to study the cases. After AstraZeneca have been registered 421 fatal events, and after Pfizer/ BioNTech others 283 cases. I am 2.4 cases per 100,000 over the 28.8 million inoculated doses. For AstraZeneca 2.6 cases per 100 thousand in 15.8 million doses and for Pfizer 2.1 cases per 100,000 sui 13 million doses (of which 2.2 second doses). However, it should be noted that in Great Britain i dead from coronavirus I am 187 per 100,000 inhabitants.

After both vaccines, the cases of deaths from thromboembolism that scare the rest of the countries of Europe so much very rare: 2 almost after AstraZeneca, e one after Pfizer. In both cases, the highest number of deaths recorded no a cause evident: 185 after AstraZeneca and 121 after Pfizer. The second cause of death of those vaccinated is precisely the COVID-19. After Pfizer, 563 vaccinated people became infected and 35 died. After AstraZeneca 252 infected and 19 dead. The other prevalent cause of death is cardiac death: 51 deaths of heart attack OR arrest cardiac after AstraZeneca and 32 after Pfizer. After AstraZeneca recorded 39 deaths from hemorrhage cerebral, 29 for embolism pulmonary and 17 for pneumonia. After Pfizer 13 deaths from pneumonia, 5 from pulmonary embolism and 4 from pulmonary hemorrhage.
