“Unique subsidy for children in 2021, Irpef lowers by reducing the tax wedge”



The Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri announces that thesingle check For the kids will be adopted in the next year, and that the reform tax It will be implemented over a “three-year horizon through a representation law linked to the strictly linked reform that we intend to adopt from 2021”, that is, the one-time allowance for children.

“We are investigating in relation to the parliamentary route of the delegating law the methods and times for the universal single control,” added Gualtieri in a hearing on the Def (Nadef) Update.

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Gualtieri: “Irpef down by reducing the tax wedge”

“Taxes will not go up but they will go down next year, there will be a substantial reduction in income tax for 12 months through the annual extension of the reduction of the tax wedge that this year started in July, and there will be advantageous taxation for the South throughout the year. These two elements will already determine a tax reduction. This was expressed by the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri at the hearing on the Update of the Def (Nadef). Even the tax reform “aims at a tax reduction that we intend to achieve in the three-year period because it will be made up of several modules, but we want the main module, the IRPEF reform, to be operational as of January 1, 2022.”

Gualtieri: «We evaluate the extension of the moratorium on business loans»

“We are reflecting and evaluating a greater extension of the credit moratorium” for companies “that currently expires on January 31.” This was stated by the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri at the Def (Nadef) Update hearing, answering the questions of the senators.

Gualtieri: «No to monster maneuvers»

“The debt-to-GDP ratio is on a credible downward trajectory” without resorting to “monstrous maneuvers.” Thus, the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, in a hearing on Nadef before the Mixed Budget Commissions, recalled that the government has “eliminated the VAT clauses.” Therefore, there is a forecast impact “that does not outline a marked correction in balances with an increase in indirect taxes, but rather a realistic and sustainable adjustment path that takes into account the reserved resources,” he explains.

«The challenge is containing the virus»

Nadef indicates “a prudent scenario, with the estimate of a 9% contraction in GDP” in 2020: the real challenge to face in order to exceed the estimates is to contain the virus. We believe that the measures to monitor and combat the epidemic, combined with the care and caution of all of us and the ability to deploy an economic-social protection network such as the one that has been implemented so far, will allow us to limit the negative effects on economic activity. Thus, the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri in a hearing on the Update of the Def (Nadef).

Covid Italy, government: no to the blockade, it can kill the economy

ROME The day of the new repression, with restrictive measures for bars, restaurants, amateur sports, socialization, events, Giuseppe Conte runs to reassure the world of economy and production: “There will be no new generalized”.

Last updated: 09:49

