An agreement would have been reached on the regularization of migrants working in the agricultural sector. According to information from sources from all government parties, a compromise on the rule that has been under discussion for days should have been signed at the summit tonight. He accepted the applications from Italia Viva and the Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova: next to the employer’s application there will also be the worker’s application, which will obtain a six-month temporary permit, convertible into a work permit when signing the contract. The compromise reached refers to the stricter controls required to confirm having previously worked in the agricultural sector, a requirement that employers and union organizations considered a priority to guarantee the employment of hundreds of thousands of irregular workers. present in Italy and manufacturers to have labor to be able to work immediately without waiting the necessary time to train it.
The image looks more or less defined and will be further discussed at 2 p.m. in the council of ministers with the aim of bringing the CDM together on the day, even if there is still no official call.
A call for regularization came from a group of national and European parliamentarians and regional councilors belonging to all major parties, Pd, M5S, Leu, Iv. “The measures currently envisaged for the regularization of foreign citizens present in the national territory are completely inadequate and are conditioned by unacceptable propaganda. We expect from this government and from this majority an act of courage and true discontinuity,” they write asking that one party of the majority do not put “an incomprehensible veto in a proposal for civilization. Regularizing foreign citizens in our territory is a political common sense option, the borders of the countries of origin are closed due to the Covid pandemic and, therefore, Therefore, there are no preconditions for any form of return. Keeping people in national territory in a condition of illegality means exposing them to the danger of marginalization and exploitation by organized crime, whatever is convenient for those who obtain consensus on fear and xenophobia ».