08/28/2020 – In August, controls were intensified by the Ancona Territorial Labor Inspectorate which, this week, carried out a control in a clothing packaging laboratory in Passo Ripe di Trecastelli, led by an entrepreneur of nationality China.
The control, carried out together with the Carabinieri of the Ancona Labor Protection Unit, the SPSAL ASUR MARCHE staff and the Ancona Firefighters Command, also aimed at verifying compliance with anti-Covid regulations, is part of the action plan of the established operating unit. of the Ancona Prefecture with the coordination of the Ancona Inspection led by Pierluigi Rausei.
During the control it was found that the Chinese businessman employed 3 illegal workers of the 7 found in addition to numerous violations of the anti COVID-19 security protocols, including the lack of use of masks, disinfectant gel and the lack of ventilation of the locals. There was also a lack of regularity in the kitchen and bedrooms, as well as the absence of security exits and the failure of fire extinguishers.
The suspension of the activity against the Chinese businessman was adopted and high sanctions were imposed for non-compliance with the anti-COVID legislation of 2019 for a total of 10,000 euros.