
Strengthen the health response based on needs and measures that limit the opportunities for the spread of the virus: this is what the new ordinance signed by President Tesei offers and what the Umbria Region continues to implement to respond to the Covid emergency. On the one hand, there is the gradual increase in the number of beds dedicated to Covid patients (in addition to intensive therapies, currently 99 active stations compared to the 69 at the start, and the sub-intensive, to date 49), on the other hand a new Ordinance for limit social contacts considered riskier.
In this sense – read the note of the Region -, from the data that they see in lower and upper secondary schools an average of contagion per thousand inhabitants now doubles with respect to the regional average, and also taking into account that the number of cases detected in the school environment represents so many potential family or community clusters, it has been arranged that, from November 3 to 14, the activities of state and equal first and second grade secondary schools are carried out through distance education, reserving activities in the presence exclusively in laboratories, when so provided by the respective regulations of the educational cycle, and the assistance of students with special educational needs.
In the same ordinance, in addition to reiterating the suspension until November 14 of all the activities of regional amateur sports competitions and competitions in relation to contact and team sports, they are suspended for the same period, limited to minor athletes of age who play in clubs and associations of fans and amateurs of contact and team sports, training and athletic preparation also individually. Everyone is prohibited from using the changing rooms.
Finally, in view of Halloween, trips are limited (from 10 pm to 5 pm for the nights between October 31 / November 1 and November 1/2) if you are not motivated by a proven urgency, I work health. It is also forbidden to start, throughout the day Saturday, October 31, customs related to Halloween such as the creation of groups for walks and door-to-door paths.
Soon the capacity of public transport will also be reduced to 50% of maximum capacity.