UE, Gentiloni: “White smoke for the Recovery Fund” | € 750 billion will go to the next generation of the EU


The German presidency of the European Council reached a political agreement with European Parliament negotiators in talks aimed at securing Parliament’s approval of the next multiannual financial framework, the EU’s long-term budget. This is what Brussels says in a note, in which it explains that “the agreement was reached after intensive consultations with Parliament and the Commission that have been carried out since the end of August. The negotiated global financial package of 1,824,300 million has been completed. of euros”. of the EU leaders in July, which combines the next multiannual financial framework (1,074,300 million euros) and an interim recovery instrument of 750,000 million euros, Next Generation Eu. “

All aid deployed by the European Union – The policy package agreed with Parliament, continues the EU, includes: a specific reinforcement of EU programs, including Horizon Europe, EU4Health and Erasmus +, of 15,000 million euros through additional means (12,500 million euros) and reallocations (2.5 billion euros) over the next financial period, in line with the spending ceilings set out in the European Council conclusions of 17-21 July more flexibility to allow the EU to respond to unforeseen needs greater participation of the budgetary authority on revenue control in the framework of the new generation of the EU Increased ambition on biodiversity and strengthened control of biodiversity, climate and gender-related spending an indicative roadmap towards introduction of new own resources.

The agreement will now be presented to the Member States for approval together with the other elements of the next multiannual financial framework and recovery package, including the general conditionality regime for the protection of the Union budget, on which they reached an interim agreement. November 5 Presidency of the Council and negotiators of Parliament.
