Udine coronavirus report October 28, 2020


Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia have been detected 406 new infections (5,573 swabs were made) and four deaths from Covid-19. This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. People who have tested positive for the virus in the region since the beginning of the pandemic totaled 9,142, of which: 2,992 in Trieste (more than 112), 3,373 in Udine (more than 168), 1,767 in Pordenone (more than 76) and 926 in Gorizia (more than 41), plus 84 people from outside the region. There are currently 3,766 cases of infection. Rise to 35 patients undergoing intensive care treatment and 146 hospitalized in other wards. The deaths amounted to 382, ​​with the following territorial subdivision: 204 in Trieste, 85 in Udine, 82 in Pordenone and 11 in Gorizia. The totally cured are 4,994, the clinically cured 34 and the isolated 3551.

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