Two positive Ruffini teachers in the rapid test


Coronavirus – Now they are at home in isolation waiting for the molecular – Executive Damiani: “Today some classes at home as a precaution”

Luca damiani

Luca damiani

Viterbo – Two positive teachers in the rapid test of the Ruffini institute.

Ongoing test by ASL in schools. Two of the teachers tested positive for the Coronavirus rapid test.

All the necessary precautions have been taken, the teachers are currently isolated at home awaiting the molecular swab for the final result.

For now, the ASL would not have provided measures for the classes where the two teachers teach.

Classes cannot be quarantined if they declare that they have scrupulously observed all distancing rules. – says Luca Damiani, Ruffini’s manager -. If, on the contrary, the teachers admit having had some close contact with the students, the class goes into quarantine ”.

The other measure that is taken in any case is to sanitize the environments in which they have worked.

“But I repeat – underlines Damiani – quarantine is not determined by the director, the ASL organizes it based on all criteria and protocols.”

Then the result of the molecular buffer is awaited.

“While awaiting the response from the ASL, as one of the two cases was already known since yesterday afternoon, today I had classes from a teacher at home. Of the first one that was known – Damiani concludes -. The news just came this morning. If the first teacher declares to have respected all the measures, the class returns to school. We sail in plain sight but with a little common sense ”.

October 21, 2020

October coronavirus … Articles

  1. “More than 60 positives in schools, we cannot speak of a boom but there are cases every day”
  2. Coronavirus, a one-year-old boy and 12 religious from the Capuchin convent test positive
  3. Contagion again above 10,000 and almost 90 deaths
  4. “Coronavirus, in Lazio 1,224 positive cases, 5 deaths and 77 recovered”
  5. Tomorrow antigenic tests on all citizens of Farnese.
  6. 108 new cases of Covid, 44 only in Viterbo
  7. Six other cases at Fabrica di Roma, including a one-year-old
  8. Cluster in the Capuchin convent of Viterbo, positive 12 religious
  9. Nursing home outbreak, almost all elderly infected
  10. In 1400 they had Covid in Tuscia, more than half (782) are still positive
  11. Social worker of the Municipality positive for Covid-19
  12. In the Tarquinia primary school quarantined class, in Vejano maternal closed for eleven days
  13. In Lazio today 939 positives, slight decrease in Rome, high trends in Viterbo, Latina and Frosinone “
  14. New cases in decline (9338) but more than 47 thousand fewer swabs
  15. Outbreak in a retirement home: 25 positives, swabs to all staff
  16. The virus exceeds one hundred, today 114 positives and 2 deaths
  17. Viterbo schools, already fifty positive students
  18. Coronavirus in schools, other positive teachers
  19. Covid does not forgive the little ones: hospitalized child of 12 months, positive one of 2 and another of 3 years
  20. Cases at the Villa Santa Margherita institute, the director Mancini: “Positive even a guest”
  21. The contagion curve is growing, today 11,705 new cases and 69 deaths
  22. “Coronavirus, 1,198 positives today in Lazio, 6 dead and 49 recovered”
  23. “More alternation of distance learning and other forms of entering and leaving school”
  24. Higher and higher coronavirus: another 71 cases, more than half in Viterbo
  25. Coronavirus, a 39-year-old woman died
  26. Coronavirus, positive in Alto Lazio slightly down
  27. “Covid, distance education in the schools of the capital from Monday”
  28. Coronavirus, today 10,925 new cases and 47 deaths
  29. The positive councilman, Mayor Bartolacci and quarantined as a precaution
  30. Almost a thousand cases today in Lazio, 12 dead and 62 recovered
  31. Almost a thousand cases today in Lazio, 12 dead and 62 recovered
  32. Almost a thousand cases today in Lazio, 12 dead and 62 recovered
  33. 74 positives today in Tuscia, almost half in Viterbo
  34. Seven new positives today, 3 admitted for infectious diseases
  35. Coronavirus, 2-year-old girl died in Capranica and positive in Sabina
  36. The growth of new cases in Italy continues, more than 10,000 in the last 24 hours
  37. “Sports behind closed doors, weekly market stop and more distance learning”
  38. New increase in cases: today 80 positives, 4 in intensive care and one death
  39. Coronavirus, the Riello drive-in is operational
  40. Positive girl on Covid, Farnese kindergarten closed
  41. Coronavirus, yesterday 94 cases in Alto Lazio
  42. The contagion does not stop: 8,804 cases and deaths almost doubled compared to yesterday
  43. The positives start to rise again, today there are 39
  44. “Two new positives today, I’m in isolation at home”
  45. The mayor closes the school and a gymnasium: “Is it a dictatorial attitude? I don’t give a c … o”
  46. Ten infected ASL health workers – Number of people hospitalized is increasing, there is also a girl
  47. Today, 7,332 new cases is the new all-time record
  48. Coronavirus: 25 positives today, 4 hospitalized for infectious diseases
  49. “A new positive at Civita Castellana”
  50. “Covid is scary but Colasanti is a safe school”
  51. One thousand infections in Tuscia, more than 400 positives and 850 people in quarantine
  52. Coronavirus, new peak of infections: today 5901
  53. “Positive jump in Lazio: 579 – Significant increases in cases in Viterbo and Latina”
  54. “Positive jump in Lazio: 579 – Significant increases in cases in Viterbo and Latina”
  55. Coronavirus, never so many cases: today 69 positives
  56. Six new positives in Civita Castellana, cases at the Colasanti institute
  57. A Belcolle chief physician and the president of the bar association are infected
  58. Anti-Covid population test, second negative leg
  59. Covid in Viterbo, virus infiltrates high school
  60. 4,619 new cases and 39 deaths in the last 24 hours
  61. From basketball to soccer, without indoor contact sports: for all activities, two meters of distance between athletes
  62. 36 new cases in Tuscia, 10 presented symptoms
  63. “The train system has been maintained until now, but only because few of us travel …”
  64. One hundred cases in Viterbo
  65. In Italy there are currently 79,075 positives
  66. From tomorrow drive-in cinema in Tarquinia and from Wednesday in Civita Castellana, from Viterbo from Belcolle to Riello
  67. In Viterbo 41 cases, in Frosinone 35, in Latina 25 and in Rieti 7
  68. Another 42 cases, currently positive are more than 300
  69. Cases at the Meucci Institute are on the rise
  70. Even new infections, Tuscia is the most affected area
  71. No contact sports for 30 days, fever measurements in communions and only parents and siblings in the church
  72. 29 deaths and 5,724 new cases, more than a thousand in Lombardy alone
  73. New cases in slight decrease (384), six deaths
  74. Covid, another boom: 40 positives and 625 people in quarantine
  75. Nepi wants to anticipate everyone: stop contact sports and limit parties
  76. More than 800 infections in Tuscia: whole families positive, students and athletes
  77. “La Tuscia towards a mini-confinement”
  78. Cases in Fantappiè and in high school, positives in Ellera increase
  79. “Coronavirus, 387 cases in Lazio today, 47 recovered and six dead”
  80. In Italy 5,372 new positives and 28 deaths in the last 24 hours
  81. Coronavirus, Black Friday: 44 positive, 11 symptomatic and three hospitalized
  82. “Twelve positives in a gym in Nepi, three infected in a baptism in Corchiano”
  83. Coronavirus, positive firefighter and a quarantined team
  84. Covid affects some Tuscia students, remote lessons and quarantined classes
  85. Covid, police investigations have begun for anti-mask flyers
  86. 18 new positives of Coronavirus, 8 only in Viterbo
  87. New cases of Covid, asylum class in quarantine at the Marconi institute in Vetralla
  88. Swabs for the whole class and children isolated for 14 days
  89. “The pandemic is false, a fearful people are easier to maneuver”
  90. “In Lazio 357 new cases and 6 deaths in the last 24 hours”
  91. Today 3,678 new cases is the highest number in almost six months
  92. “Cases of parties and ceremonies and in RSA and nursing homes are increasing”
  93. New boom in cases: 25 positives today
  94. “Buffer for everyone involved in the class”
  95. The virus slows down, Montefiascone and Carbognano again free from Covid
  96. Covid, denial leaflets distributed in Viterbo: “We will not be vaccinated and we will not wear masks”
  97. Two teachers also positive in Vetralla, schools closed by Covid in Castel Sant’Elia
  98. Coronavirus, in Italy it is again above 60 thousand positives currently
  99. Gym on the outskirts of Nepi closed by Covid
  100. Today 8 cases and 3 recovered, the number of hospitalized remains stable
  101. The City Council and municipal employees do not have Covid, the City Council reopens
  102. “False news that there are other cases in Ronciglione, a complaint has been filed for alarm”
  103. “Too many meetings outside schools and at bus stops, youth must be sensitized”
  104. Still a positive student
  105. 248 cases, 7 positives in a baptism – Strong attention to Latinas, summit on nightlife restrictions
  106. New cases in decline (2,257), but more than 32 thousand fewer swabs than yesterday
  107. “Coronavirus, Hospitality Institute Students Who Underwent Negative Rapid Test”
  108. Ten new cases in Civita Castellana, an outbreak in a religious community
  109. Covid nightmare, 25 infected and none recovered
  110. “A dinner and a football game at the source of the infection”
  111. Coronavirus at school, positive elementary school child
  112. In Tuscia 48 cases in seven days
  113. Two other positive students, the mayor closes the Alighieri institute and Don Bosco primary school
  114. In the last 24 hours 2,578 new cases and 18 deaths
  115. Six more positive, four with Covid symptoms
  116. In Tuscia an increase in infections, hospitalizations and patients with symptoms
  117. Coronavirus, today 27 deaths and 2844 new cases
  118. Positive boom: 16 in one day, two are hospitalized
  119. Covid positive students, two classes in quarantine
  120. Covid case in common, tests and swabs in addition and employees
  121. Getting infected after dinner
  122. Today 2 thousand 499 cases, 23 deaths and 1126 recovered
  123. 27 positives in Latina, 17 in Frosinone, 10 in Rieti and 8 in Viterbo
  124. “Starting tomorrow, the outer mask is also mandatory in Viterbo”
  125. Another eight cases, the currently positive ones become 119
  126. Mask, the obligation also takes place outdoors in Lazio
  127. Employee infected after a dinner, the municipality closed due to Covid
  128. Positive six-year-old boy in Ronciglione, first case in Calcata
  129. “In Lazio 5 deaths and 265 cases, the majority due to non-use of the mask”
  130. Today 2,548 new cases, never so many since April 24
  131. Coronavirus, seven cases in the last 24 hours
  132. Coronavirus, 23 new cases and one death in Upper Lazio
