Drama to Cremona. An airplane used for launching paratroopers it crashed around 10 o’clock for reasons yet to be determined and caught fire. There are currently two confirmed victims and firefighters are working to put out the fire. The accident happened in the village User information from the municipality of Castel Verde, in the province of Cremona.
🔴 #Cremona, a plane crashed in the Castel Verde area. Two deceased occupants, I #firefighters They put out the fire that arose after the impact on the ground. The aircraft had taken off with paratroopers aboard the nearby Migliaro airport [#20settembre 10:00]
– Fire Department (@emergenzavvf) September 20, 2020
The two victims are the pilot and a paratrooper. it should have been released. According to the first investigations, carried out by the carabinieri, the nine-seater ultralight had taken off from the Aero Club del Migliaro and caught fire after the detachment of a wing in flight. The victims, found in the fields, one in the burned corpse of the aircraft and the other one kilometer away, have yet to be identified.
The crashed plane is a Pilatus Porter nine seats, destined to the transport of paratroopers. Precisely for this reason, the bodies of the pilot and a paratrooper have already been recovered, investigations and investigations are being carried out to find out if there were other passengers on board and, if so, how many there were. Some may have already been launched before the plane caught fire and then fell to the fields outside Cremona. The firefighters are screening the field and the carabinieri are carrying out the necessary controls examining the documentation present at the Aero Club del Migliaro, from where the aircraft took off at half past nine.
It seems that the impact in flight between the aircraft and the last of the paratroopers to jump may have triggered the accident, who would wear the wingsuit. It would have been that collision, always according to the reconstruction but examined, to make the plane lose altitude until the fall cost the life of the pilot and the paratrooper who had hit the plane. The other people on board, whose number is yet to be determined, had already launched and are safe.
Last updated: 13:02