Tuscany red zone: here are the new measures against covid. What happens now – Chronicle


Florence, November 13, 2020 – The Tuscany it becomes a red zone for the covid. The decision is official, after the telephone call of the Minister of Health Speranza to the president of the Region Eugenio Giani with whom Tuscany was informed of the election. The new rules will begin on Sunday, November 15.

Read also: The data on Covid in Tuscany from November 13 / All the news about the covid in Tuscany / Covid Tuscany, here are other health hotels

So after the Tuscany orange goes to the red color, the one that paints the most serious situation on a scale of three (yellow, orange and red). exist a series of indicators they assign I colori to the regions. And among the indicators that led to the transition is also the sudden increase in the number of deaths. The week that is evaluated is the one between November 2 and 8.

“The data provided by the Regions are compatible with the attribution of measures for the ‘red zone to Campania and Tuscany “, said sources of the Control room-Iss on tracking Covid infection. Emilia Romagna should become the orange zone. Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche would also turn to oranges.

But what about a region in the red zone? This is how our habits change.

The rules of the red zones

The main changes are the closure of all stores except food, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsstands (but hairdressers would also be open) and above all the prohibition of circulation even within the municipality itself if it were not for justified reasons of work, health , study. or need (with self-certification). Also, physical activity such as walks is only allowed near the house and sports must be done alone:


Stop traveling both to other regions and within your own municipality, except for work, health or study needs (always with self-certification). Among the reasons why it is allowed to go out is also to take the children to school.

School and university

As for the school, distance education starts from the second grade. From the eighth grade onwards, all classes in all schools will be distance learning. Kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools remain open. Universities remain closed, with specific exceptions.


All shops are closed except food stores, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents, hairdressers. Take away only and home delivery for bars and restaurants. Supermarkets will also remain open. The bars and restaurants will be closed seven days a week and, always every day, they can activate the take away, which must end before 10pm.

Motor and sports activity

All sports competitions are suspended, except those recognized as being of national interest by Coni. Professional soccer leagues, for example, will continue. Physical activity, such as walking, alone at home. Outdoor sports are allowed, but only. Thus, it will be possible to take a walk around the house.

Cinemas and theaters are always closed.

Cinemas and theaters, as well as museums, remain closed. As well as gyms and bingo and betting activities remain closed, even if they are corners inside tobacconists and bars. For public transport, a capacity of 50% is allowed.

The point about daily infections in different regions.

In Lombardy the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours exceeds the ceiling dno 10mila: 10,634, of the 40,902 registered throughout the country. With almost half of the infections, the second region most affected by the pandemic is the Piedmont, with 5,258. Follow the Campania with 4,079, the Veneto with 3,605, the Lazio with 2,925, the Tuscany, 2,478 andEmilia romagna, 2,384. More than a thousand cases in Sicily, 1,707, Apulia, 1,350 e Liguria, 1,209. The remaining regions do not exceed a thousand cases. This is what we read in the daily newsletter of the Ministry of Health Iss. The region with the least number of new cases registered is Molise also today, with 63.
