Florence, January 4, 2020 – Hospitalizations for covid in Tuscany, which are again above 1000: 37 more people entered the hospital in the last 24 hours between Sunday, January 3 and Monday 4. While the new cases in one day are 313 more. These are some of the data provided in the new newsletter region of. The coronavirus is still well present, although with better figures.
The percentage of positives in the first swabs performed
Now it is necessary not to lower your guard to frustrate the efforts made so far. The containment measures of the last few weeks have been successful, but now we must not give up. The experts say this when taking a look at the main indicators. Meanwhile, another 14 deaths have been recorded.
Covid Toscana, the updates for Monday, May 4
The contagion map
There are 34,027 cases in total to date Florence (82 more than yesterday), 10,503 a Meadow (24 more), 10,537 a Pistoia (9 more), 7,763 a Pulp (13 more), 12,761 BC Lucca (34 more), 16,940 a Pisa (38 more), 8,854 a Livorno (46 more), 10,779 ad Arezzo (26 more), 5,126 a Siena (28 more), 4,238 a Grosseto (13 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. There are 117 cases found today in the ASL Center, 129 in the Northwest, 67 in the Southeast.
And tampons
me swabs performed reached 1,910,036, 5,210 more than yesterday, of which 6% positive. In contrast, 1,655 subjects tested today (excluding control swabs), of which 18.9% were positive. To these are added the 688 rapid antigenic swabs that are carried out today.
The healed are 268
the people usually heal there are 108,360 (268 more than yesterday, plus 0.2%): 532 clinically cured people (60 less than yesterday, less 10.1%), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 107,828 (328 more than yesterday, 0.3 %) declared totally cured, the so-called viral cures, with negative swab.
There are 14 dead
Today there are 14 new deaths: 6 men and 8 women with an average age of 83.9 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 4 in Florence, 1 in Massa Carrara, 2 in Lucca, 1 in Pisa, 1 in Livorno, 1 in Arezzo, 1 in Siena, 3 in Grosseto.
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