Florence, September 1, 2020 – En Tuscany there are 11,898 cases of positivity in coronavirus, 40 more than yesterday (11 identified in the course of the tracking and 29 of the detection activities). New cases are 0.3% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew by 0.3% and reached 9,175 (77.1% of all cases). The tests carried out reached 544,447, 4,929 more than yesterday. The current positives are 1,581 today, + 0.4% compared to yesterday. Today there is a new death: a 79-year-old man.
Average age of new cases
L ‘middle age of 40 cases are currently around 41 years old (25% are under 26 years old, 23% between 26 and 40 years old, 42% between 41 and 65 years old, 10% are over 65 years old) and, Regarding the clinical states, 55% were asymptomatic, 33% pauci-symptomatic, 9% mild.
How infections arise
Of the 40 positives currently, 1 case can be linked to returns from abroad. 5 cases can be linked to returns from other Italian regions (4 Sardinia, 1 Emilia-Romagna). 43% of the cases is a contact linked to a previous case.
Cases in the territory
There are 3,691 cases in total to date in Florence (18 more than yesterday), 625 in Prato (2 more), 829 in Pistoia (4 more), 1,235 in Massa (7 more), 1,536 in Lucca, 1,069 in Pisa (3 more), 557 in Livorno, 846 in Arezzo (4 more), 510 in Siena (1 more), 486 in Grosseto (1 more). There are 514 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. Therefore, there are 24 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 10 in the Northwest, 6 in the Southeast.
People in isolation
There are 3,871 (137 more than yesterday, plus 3.7%) people, also isolated, under active surveillance for having had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 1,670, Northwest 1,496, Southeast 705).
The people admitted to beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 62 (2 more than yesterday, plus 3.3%), 9 in intensive care (1 more than yesterday, plus 12.5%).
The healed
In total there are 9,175 people cured (32 more than yesterday, plus 0.3%): 163 clinically cured people (16 more than yesterday, plus 10.9%), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with Infection and 9,012 (16 more than yesterday, plus 0.2%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative swab.
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