Tuscany Coronavirus, October 19 bulletin: 986 positives, 12 deaths


Sixty-three cases between Livorno and the province (31 in the city, the others divided as follows: Bibbona 2, Castagneto Carducci 1, Cecina 10, Rosignano Marittimo 7, San Vincenzo 1, Marciana 3, Marciana Marina 1, Portoferraio 6, Rio 1) in the bulletin of Region 12 o’clock today Monday October 19, also published on the site TuscanyNews in the section Coronavirus. Therefore, the number of people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 since the beginning of the emergency in the Livorno area, while in Tuscany in the last 24 hours are recorded in all 986 new cases (ie 80 more than in the previous follow-up), of which 121 were identified through screening activities and 865 during the course of follow-up.

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Overall, this is a significant increase in cases also in terms of percentage if it is related to the number of swabs tested (10,557): excluding controls, 13.74% of the 7,178 subjects evaluated were positive compared to 10.09% yesterday when 8,981 people were tested. Five deaths should also be noted, with a total of 1,206: a figure that is definitely exceeded by cures that, with the 109 of today, amount to 11,731 (49.3% of all cases).

Livorno coronavirus, 27 positive to rsa Pascoli

About new positivity, the Region reports that themiddle age are 43 years old (19% are under 20, 26% between 20 and 39, 31% between 40 and 59, 16% between 60 and 79 and 8% are 80 years or older), while in the Today’s newsletter does not give information about clinical states and other particular situations.

Tuscany coronavirus: deaths, recoveries, hospitalizations and intensive care

Looking at the current situation, the number of gods continues to grow. patients in treatment in Tuscany which are 10,851 (+ 8.66% compared to the + 7.99% registered yesterday and + 8.60% on October 17) by virtue of 23,788 infected since the beginning of the emergency, 11,233 viral cures (so-called “negative” test results, negative, repeated twice 24 hours apart), 498 clinical cures (no more symptoms but not negative yet) and 1,206 deceased.

Finally, the situation of hospitalizations which are a total of 511 (71 more than yesterday, 107 more than on October 17): among them 449 ordinary hospitalized (64 more than yesterday) and intensive care (7 more than yesterday). Finally, the people in isolation at home (10,340, or 794 more than yesterday).

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All data is visible from 6.30 pm on the website of the Regional Health Agency at this address: www.ars.toscana
