Tuscany at risk of the orange zone


Coronavirus: risk of the ‘orange zone’ for Tuscany

Due to the contagion trend, Tuscany runs the risk of going from the yellow to the orange zone. In the case, as reported by FirenzeToday, new restrictions would be activated.
“We have a week to improve the indicators, we are working hard and we are making the best effort,” said the president of the Region Eugenio Giani yesterday.

Coronavirus in Tuscany: the bulletin of November 7

The latest weekly data published yesterday alarmed the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health, which evaluates the 21 indicators identified to decide whether a Region should be in the yellow zone (where Tuscany is now located), orange or red, this Finally , the color that marks the most restrictions (Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and Calabria). Among the 21 indicators taken into consideration are those of the spread of the virus and hospital capacity, that is, the beds available for Covid patients.
And on this last point, our Region comes with water in its throat, so in the last hours Giani himself with Health Councilor Bezzini, are identifying structures to be transformed into hospitals dedicated to Covid patients (for example ex Don Gnocchi di Pozzolatico and in the ex Creaf di Prato) to find another 1,500 / 2 thousand beds as soon as possible (in this case we are talking about ordinary hospitalizations, not intensive therapies).

In all likelihood, Tuscany will remain in the yellow zone at least until next Friday, November 13, when the new weekly data arrives. At that time, based on the 21 parameters chosen at the national level as ‘objective’ indicators, our Region could be downgraded to the orange area. In this case, the new restrictions would include the closure of bars and restaurants 24 hours a day and the prohibition of moving between the municipality and the municipality, as well as the prohibition of leaving the regional borders (also prohibiting entry), except for reasons of need, work. , study, health.

It may interest you: https://www.firenzetoday.it/cronaca/coronavirus-toscana-rischio-area-arancio.html
