
At the headquarters of the Nazarene Democratic Party, the first ballot boxes were received with relief. Not so much because you can smell the air of victory, but because there is hope of avoiding a sensational defeat. In Tuscany, the region that this electoral party symbolizes, as Emilia Romagna was last year, the Democratic candidate Eugenio Giani has in fact the leadership over the candidate of the Northern League Susanna Ceccardi. In short, the Red Region seems destined to stay … red. And this, if confirmed, for the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti would be an excellent result. Ultimately, the feared party landslide would be avoided. With requests for resignation, a closed congress and immediate inauguration of the secretariat of Governor Emiliano Stefano Bonaccini.
Regional elections 2020, seats closed. Rai’s exit poll: center left, later in Tuscany. Puglia in the balance. Referendum, yes to 60-64%
From center left forward in (Giani with 43.5% -47.5% Ceccardi 40-44%), on the balance sheet (Emiliano 39-43%, Fitto 39-43%). Yes, a clear advantage in the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians: 60-64%. These are the results of the Rai exit polls with the polls just closed. There is no match in Veneto according to instant polls: Zaia 70-74%, Lorenzoni 16-20%.
Peppino Caldarola died after a brief illness: the former director of the Unit was 74 years old
In the Nazarene, however, they remain cautious and buttoned up. Another red region, but of less specific and symbolic weight, such as the Marches, seems destined to pass to the center-right. Instead, face to face in Puglia, where Michele Emiliano, despite the “friendly fire” of 5Stelle and Italia Viva who presented their candidates, is fighting with Raffaele Fitto. Campania, as expected, should instead remain in the hands of the anomalous demon Enzo De Luca.
In short, a draw is looming. Three to three. Tuscany, Puglia and Campania to the center-left that, compared to the last elections, would only lose the Marches. Veneto, Ligurie and Marche in the center right who would win a Region in the calculation of 5 years ago. If these data are confirmed, the Democratic Party could go to the confrontation with 5Stelle that, in addition to Liguria, carried out the electoral campaign of the regional teams as enemies and not as allies. The first battle front will be to join the Save States Fund (Month): Zingaretti has decided not to leave room for the grillini’s hesitations. “The Month is needed and the 36 billion will be taken to reform the national health system”, is the slogan of the secretary of the Democratic Party. The second front, which alarms Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and 5 Stelle Luigi Di Maio, will instead be the “government coupon”. Translation: the reorganization, with the entry of new ministers dem, including the hypothesis of Deputy Prime Minister Zingaretti with the role of Interior Minister. A position that would not be incompatible (as the precedent of Bassolino, governor and minister of Campania shows) with the role of president of Lazio. But on this point the secretary dem still “ponders”.
Last updated: 18:05