Turin, Valsalice secondary school closes early and switches to distance education


The Valsalice secondary school in Turin switches to distance education. The decision was made by Principal Mauro Pace in conjunction with the school board after discovering that too many students and teachers were at home in isolation.

“We have decided to reintroduce Dad to all the classes for a few days, hoping to understand the evolution of the situation and also hoping to understand the provisions of the Region – explains the director – These days we have had many difficulties interacting with the ASL, which obviously you are overwhelmed with requests, and for this reason it happened that a quarantined class was called to do swabs only at the end of the quarantine and also the contact tracing became very slow. we must make prudent decisions to keep children at home and to prevent the spread of infection. “

Currently there are 8 positive students in the same school in Viale Thovez. But the decision to keep high school classrooms closed for the rest of this week was made by pointing out that large numbers of students and even teachers are isolated in their homes. Entire classes are under quarantine due to the presence of positive students.

But in almost all the others a good number of students are missing, who ended up isolated “because they have parents or other positive relatives or because they have been in contact with positive Covid during sports activities: according to my follow-up this happened in 80 percent of the cases “Pace continues. Those in isolation are already following the lessons at home today, thanks to a webcam that frames the lesson in the classroom.” Now they will all pass on to Dad, with the same schedule that each class usually follows. In this way, even teachers at home can take lessons “, emphasizes the director.
