They got together for Christmas dinner. Seven friends, no relatives and no cohabitants have defied the rules imposed by the last Dpcm of December. They ate, they played music, they had fun but they made too much noise and their noises annoyed the neighbors in the building in the San Donato area, in via Bari 3, where they had organized the party. So the neighbors called the only number 112 to report the party that was keeping them awake.
Officers from the Madonna di Campagna police station found seven people in the house, all between 20 and 35 years old. Some even tried to hide when the police arrived. The patrol, in fact, found three people sitting in the kitchen, and three would have been an acceptable number with the derogation provided by the dpcm that allows two relatives to visit relatives. “We are only four,” said the landlord who admitted the party, “but everything is in order, we are few,” he explained.
The policemen, however, did not miss the two silhouettes, a man and a woman hiding behind a glass door in the bedroom, while the seventh person was hiding in the bathroom.
The party was made up entirely of Brazilian citizens, five of whom were illegal in the national territory. They were all fined for not respecting the anti-contagion rules: not only had they created an illegal gathering, but no one in the house had masks and no one had respected the distancing. The Christmas party cost them 400 euros each.