On the eve of the holidays and the weekend, the president of the Piedmont Region speaks again about the measures that the Government is discussing to prevent a new wave of infections. “It is inhumane to leave the elderly alone at Christmas” is the synthesis of Alberto Cirio’s thought.
“Our position on the displacements between small municipalities for the family reunification of lonely people has been expressed very clearly. We have more than 1,200 municipalities, many small. To think that in Rome one can move freely and we only have elderly people who are five hundred meters away because they are in another municipality and they cannot be with their loved ones is something unfair, inexplicable and inhuman ”, Cirio explains.
“The Piedmont figures show months and weeks of sacrifices. All the indicators are excellent but we do not want to close more so we understand the sense of responsibility, but we must also understand that when we talk about the economy we are talking about the economic life of many people. The government will decide for a new shake to take the soft drinks immediately because very often soft drinks are advertised, but then they do not materialize ”, continues the Piedmontese president.
“Having a strategy is essential. Since February 21 we have been in line with rigor associated with common sense and economic recovery. Our evaluations have always been anchored in medical opinions. On December 27 we began to vaccinate, compared to the first phase now we can live with the virus with an extra weapon that is the vaccine. We are stronger in confronting the virus ”, continues the governor.
“A lot depends on how we behave these days. Tomorrow is Saturday and we will all have a sense of responsibility by choosing to buy in the best way. It is mandatory to go shopping all at the same time. I think that people’s sense of responsibility is to choose long hours to avoid crowds ”, concludes Cirio.