
Pushing, yelling and protesting. Tension in the Chamber of Senators, where the session on the migrant decree was suspended due to an altercation that broke out after the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Federico d’Incà, raised the issue of trust in the text approved in the last days by the House.
The examination of the provision that aims, among other things, to annul the Salvini decrees, began with the interventions of the majority spokespersons, Valeria Valente (Pd) and Elvira Evangelista (M5s), and those of the opposition, Luigi Augussori and Simone. Pillon of the League. Right at the end of Pillon’s speech, Minister D’Incà asked to speak. «The general discussion begins – answered the vice president on duty, Ignazio La Russa – The Government can always ask to intervene, this knows that it is irrational; Surely he can intervene. “The government representative then began to announce the request for confidence. La Russa tried to stop him, while the first protests arose in the Chamber:” Minister, stop, wait a minute, “said the vice president but D ‘Incà continued with the reading of the ritual formula (“on behalf of the Government, authorized by the Council of Ministers, I raise the question of trust for approval, without modifications or additional articles …”). At home, as the television images show, it was already chaos. The government seats have been occupied by the senators of the League. La Russa asked the Quaestors to intervene to restore order. All useless. The session was suspended and shortly thereafter President Casellati came down to the Chamber to convene the Group Leaders conference.
The meeting was interrupted shortly after and closed at 5.30 pm, officially by an institutional commitment of the president, who returned to the Chamber again to ask the senators to leave and thus allow the cleaning of the rooms. In the morning, the preliminary questions presented by the oppositions were rejected with 150 votes against and 113 in favor. The leader of the Democratic Party, Andrea Marcucci, criticizes the attitude of the League’s senators, who, he says, “have caused chaos because we finally want to overcome Salvini’s shameful decrees on security. This is the climate that the League wants to impose in the classrooms.