“Trumpism” is better than Trump


Donald Trump’s speech a few hours ago reaches the lowest and most miserable point of his political parable, for the simple fact that we are all clear that he would have said the exact opposite in case of reversed conditions.

In other words, I would have strongly supported the need to count until the last vote if I had had a reason, in homage to the principle that inspired all of his human, business and institutional adventure: I do what is convenient for me, period.

However, given that these are the hours that we begin to see the end of this story (that is, we begin to understand that with high probability it will be Joe Biden who makes it to the White House), it is very appropriate to reflect on the years of the Trump presidency.

Turbulent and confusing years, but not insignificant for this.

Years in which the president divided Americans in half as rarely in the past, divided the world between enemies and friends, played with his usual cruelty at all tables (think of the North Korean dossier, just to give An example ).

In all this, however, it is also necessary to look at the facts with a certain serenity, especially when (that is now) the figure of Trump seems to be moving towards the status of former president (think when the idea will bother you).

Here then is evidence of some solidity, which can be summed up in a simple expression: “Trumpism” is better than Trump.

Let’s translate it into politics: the decisions made are better, a thousand times better, than the decision maker himself.

Let’s give examples, so that we understand each other (perhaps).

We are talking about the most delicate geopolitical chess boards in the world, starting with the Middle East. Trump reduced the US military presence and favored peace accords that in at least one case have historical significance, that is, I am thinking of the new harmony between Israel and some Gulf countries. Here none of his predecessors had achieved similar results, much less the much loved Obama who had bet on the Muslim Brotherhood as a stabilizing element in the area, committing a tragic and macroscopic mistake. The choice without hesitation of a privileged relationship with Israel (but also with Saudi Arabia and, ultimately, with Egypt) has paid off, proving that sweeping away the 1,000 Byzantines of professional diplomats is an essential requirement of good politics.

The same is the case with China. Trump has gone ahead, putting the world in front of the harsh reality: Beijing is today the most important geopolitical entity on the planet, but that does not mean that it can be taken for granted in all its behavior. Nobody had dared so much before him, but to understand what we are talking about, it is not necessary to look at the trembling European capitals, but to measure the behavior in the eastern part of the planet. There we find (but let’s look a bit ‘) the most fervent supporters of the “Trump line”, that is to say Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia: all the nations that face the Dragon closely (and therefore what know well).

Then there is Europe, divided into ancient and noble states, but perhaps for this very anachronistic. Here Trump lashed out at everyone (Germans first and foremost), recalling that the illusion of a free American gendarme belongs to the Cold War era, no longer viable today. And while the European Union shrugged, Trump pushed for Britain to secede from Brussels, hurting the political unity of the great continent for which the European ruling class has a huge responsibility.

Finally, there is the very idea of ​​a global capitalist society that Trump has put into practice in America, an idea that keeps the pillars of the American vision alive (low taxes, not too intrusive status) by trying to combine everything with a return to national productions, in homage to the simple principle according to which without industry (digital as long as you want) there is no economy.

And then, as Trump heads towards his exit (understanding that twists and turns cannot be excluded and that therefore we are clear that we will live weeks of passion) we need to reflect on the central element of this story: Trump can be judged as ” horrendous “always wants to, but on several fronts he’s right.
