Trump works from the Oval Office, violated the ban imposed by the virus


The next step: a speech to reassure the nation about their health conditions, after returning from Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday, October 5. Ask your advisers about financial aid for airlines. Confined to the ground floor map room, Donald Trump had been tweeting furiously all morning.

By lunchtime, there were 29 direct messages and another 29 forwarded, including videos and photos. It is a hoax of slogans, accusations, responses, conspiracy theories. Attacks and insults to Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, “the radical left”, “the corrupt media”. Proven themes: From the “definitely rigged” postal elections to Barack Obama’s never-tested maneuvers to spy on him during the 2016 election campaign. Trump retweets that “news that would raise hell” will arrive today.

The only thing missing and that should be at the top of the list is the coronavirus. In fact, it disappeared from the Trumpian horizon.

Surreal, given that today the White House is, without exaggeration, one of the most infected and dangerous places in Washington. Dr. Sean Conley, the president’s personal physician, announced yesterday that the patient “has had no Covid symptoms since Tuesday, October 6 and has been fever-free since Saturday, October 3.” However, the forecast remains in the balance. At least until next Monday, Trump will not be out of “danger.”

Donald froths, hammering his cell phone, calling the few who escaped the infection, tormenting his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, who was once prime minister in Washington and who certainly never imagined having to be a butler or boss. room in this type of hospital created in a hurry.

In theory, Trump should not move and those who absolutely need to see it should wear a yellow coat, goggles, and a reinforced mask.

The rest of the West Wing, the wing occupied by the Commander-in-Chief, is practically deserted. Empty desks, abandoned workstations. Most of the staff have been ordered to work from home. In the driveway that leads to the main door, the one that faces Pennsylvania Avenue, the platforms and booths reserved for television connections resist.

The White House Accredited Correspondents Association is emailing hundreds of subscribers: “Get tested, protect yourself with masks and goggles, and try not to come to the White House to work.”

The list of infected, however, continues to grow: there are now 24 Trumpian advisers, outside advisers, military and reporters (three).

October 7, 2020 (change October 7, 2020 | 23:41)

