From our correspondent
WASHINGTON— Political Calculation and Great Principles. Secular state and religious faith. Law and individual rights. Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court It has already sparked a bitter confrontation between Republicans and Democrats, but also an intense cultural debate in the American media. Yesterday Amy introduced herself like this: I will be of service to all Americans. Judges are not politicians, they should not assert their opinions, but rather apply the law as it is written. She spoke in the Rose Garden of the White House, immediately after Donald Trump’s official announcement: she is the most qualified person for this task. I think the Senate can quickly confirm that. Impression confirmed for now: hearings should begin on October 12 and Republicans have the votes to ratify the president’s indication.
Barrett, 48 years old was accompanied by her husband Jesse and their seven children, two of which were adopted in Haiti. To take the place of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to whom he dedicated the first part of his speech: Not only did he break, he broke many glass ceilings in favor of women and for this she was admired in the United States and around the world. But the true source of inspiration judge Antonin Scalia, with whom Barrett worked for a year as a judicial clerk on the Supreme Court. Scalia was the highest authority of the so-called originalist doctrine: the Constitution must be applied to the letter, not interpreted or bent to the spirit of the time. I share this philosophy, Barrett said.
Born in New Orleans, raised in a large family, Amy worked hard on the books until she graduated with honors from Notre Dame, Indiana School of Law, where she returned as a lecturer. Barrett is also a staunch Catholic, and has been involved in pro-life organizations like The People of Praise for some time. Has been supporting for years inflexible positions against abortion, against homosexual marriages. has become a benchmark for the movement for life that pushes to limit as far as possible, at the federal level or in individual states, the right to terminate a pregnancy, enshrined in the historic Supreme Court ruling, Roe v. Wade, in 1973. Tgrump was appointed a federal judge in 2017.
Yesterday, the magistrate essentially made two commitments. First: don’t let politics influence me. Second: I will be faithful to the Constitution and not to my personal opinions.. The first test could take place immediately after November 3, should Trump lose and contest an election. The president hopes that the new Court, with a clear conservative stamp (6 to 3), will continue to agree with him. From this point of view, they think of the White House, Barrett the ideal profile. We will eventually verify it on the facts. Then there will be another fundamental test. Sooner rather than later, the nine Washington justices may be called to to re-rule over abortion. perhaps the most elusive subject in American jurisprudence, because as Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, the founding father and second president of the United States, observed, the Constitution has forgotten about women. One of the first states to admit abortion for therapeutic reasons was California in 1967. The law was signed not by a hyper-liberal governor, but by the anti-abortion conservative, Ronald Reagan. Amy was not yet born. In 1973, the Roe v. Wade found a point of balance, questioned for a long time. Arriving at the Supreme Court in 1993, Justice Ginsburg spearheads the effort to root freedom of choice not in the right to privacy, but between the personal and therefore inviolable rights of women. On the other hand, more conservative activists hope that the Catholic Barrett will lead the counteroffensive.
Meanwhile your date has already been criticized. The Senate shouldn’t vote until Americans vote. It shouldn’t act until Americans have elected their next president and their next Congress – then Joe biden, the Democratic candidate who will challenge the current president, on Twitter again asks that the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett not be made before. November 3 elections. While for the Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala harris The choice made by Trump for the succession of Justice Ginsburg on the Supreme Court is clear: he wants to destroy the Affordable Care Act and overthrow Roe. This quote will lead the court further to the right for a generation and struck millions of Americans.
September 26, 2020 (change September 27, 2020 | 01:31)