Earlier, he tried to say that he had nothing to do with it. Then he contradicted her movements in the room. Finally, late at night, he collapsed under pressing questions from the policemen from Enna’s mobile squad. A 39-year-old health worker from Oasi di Troina, LA, confessed to raping the disabled young woman who is pregnant today. But then he tried to argue the unbearable: “She provoked me.”
This is a story full of horrors. “We are facing a very serious fact – says Enna’s prosecutor, Massimo Palmeri- says the dispute with which we proceeded to arrest the suspect: sexual violence aggravated by having committed the crime against a disabled woman and when it was entrusted to him.” Today, the The investigating judge will rule on the validation of the detention and on the issue of a precautionary measure in prison, as requested by the assistant prosecutors Stefania Leonte and Orazio Longo.

Troina, an Oasis operator arrested. “He raped a disabled now pregnant woman”
On September 9, the Oasis Maria Santissima di Troina discovered that the twenty-six-year-old disabled girl is pregnant in the sixth month. The next day, the family reported the case to the police. And the investigations of the mobile team headed by Deputy Commissioner Nino Ciavola have begun. Investigations that were immediately directed to the circle of operators who had assisted the woman in the days of the confinement. Troina was “red zone” with 162 positives. The protagonist of this story was also positive. It’s OK now. And all the attention is for her and for the little one who will be born in early January. Mom will likely be transferred to another facility soon for maximum care. “We must overcome together this difficult moment that affects the entire territory,” says the president of the Oasis, Don Silvio Rotondo in a note. our operators have always been educated, not only on a professional level, but also on an ethical level, through specific courses on the mission of the job ”. The institute announces disciplinary measures for its employee, who had been working in Troina for two years. In March, he offered to help his colleagues working on the front line. Instead, he ended up raping a woman. “It only happened once,” he told the magistrates. As if it were a mitigating factor.
He confessed only because he realized he was doomed after taking a saliva sample for DNA testing.
Today, there are also two parents worried about their daughter, who is going through a series of tests these days. For your health and that of the baby you carry in your womb. Parents could also decide on an “anonymous” birth, and in this case the child would be declared adoptable and soon the juvenile court would entrust it to a new family.