Simona Granati – Corbis via Getty Images
The president of INPS, Pasquale Tridico, defended himself against criticism for the doubling of salaries, stating that he was not involved in the decision and that in any case he will not accept arrears. “The entire article revolves around two forgeries,” he denounces in a letter to Repubblica, the newspaper that raised the case, “as a consequence of the inter-ministerial decree that establishes the remuneration of the Board of the Inps (and Inail), the undersigned would be recognized an order book of 100 thousand euros. This is the first fake. The reality, on the other hand, is that the new measure of the remuneration planned for the president of the Institute will not start from May 2019, but from April 15, 2020, that is, since he assumed the board of directors and I assumed The presidency. The second false is that it is not within the powers of the president or any other body of the Institute to determine the remuneration ”.
“I was appointed president of the INPS by decree of the Head of State on May 22, 2019”, Tridico recalls, “later, in June 2019, with a note from the Cabinet of the Ministry of Labor, the remuneration of the council that was being formed was proposed : 150 thousand euros. Gross for the president, 100,000 for the deputy and 23,000 for the 3 members of the board. Meanwhile, the government crisis of August 2019 delayed the appointment of the board. So, only as of April 15, 2020 I assumed the functions of president of the board of directors. “In a conversation in the press, the president of INPS is categorical:” They cloud me to attack the government, that’s exactly what I think. In the State, second-tier executives receive € 150,000, while those of the first tier take 200,000. The president of the INPS, so far, 60,000 euros, but what are we talking about? “.” When they tell you that you take the money and it’s not true, what should you do? The only thing would be to sue, but it’s not my style, I’m not used to working like that. “To those who are invited to resign, he replies:” I don’t think about that, all The accusations are false, why should I? “
“In view of the reconstitution of the board of directors of the two bodies – continues in the letter on the Tridical Republic – the law of January 28, 2019, had established that, with a specific interministerial decree, the amount of remuneration would be set of the aforementioned bodies, without new positions or greater burden of public finances. So much so that these fees are financed through the reduction of operating expenses of the Inps and Inail. On July 15, 2019, the Department of Administrative Coordination of the Prime Minister began the process to determine the remuneration of the president and the other members of the board of directors of the two bodies, based on a directive of the president of the Council of Ministers of January 9, 2001 that establishes the criteria and indicators that will be adopted as a reference for for this purpose; directive that since 2001 dictates the rules for setting the remuneration of the bodies of all public administrations, suggesting the use of a special software to determine the remuneration of the board of directors based on the Institute’s budget and the number of employees ”.
This software returned a much higher remuneration for the president of INPS and for the board of directors: for the president of 240 thousand euros, equal to the remuneration of the central managers of the INPS, and the senior management of similar administrations ”, explained Tridico, “However, the inter-ministerial decree of August 7, 2020 of the Minister of Labor and the Minister of Economy, a decree necessary and consequent to the constitution of the board of directors, establishes 150 thousand euros for the president, 40 thousand euros (which can be raised to 60 thousand according to the powers exercised) for the vice president and 23 thousand euros for each one of the members of the board of directors. In short, the vigilant ministries intervened to reduce the measure resulting from the application of these norms ”.