Luigi Decarli died, for years as a volunteer in the Clouds of which he was also president about 20 years ago. Decarli was also vice president of the Ana de Trento section for many years. Together with Giuliano Mattei (his deputy and later his successor on the top of Nuvola) he led the Alpine troops in the humanitarian missions of the civil protection of Trentino in Albania and then in Kosovo. “He was a friend as well as an excellent president first and then a probiviro”, remembers Mattei.
His commitment is remembered by Governor Maurizio Fugatti. “On behalf of the provincial government, the provincial civil protection system and also in a personal capacity – he writes in a note – I wish to express our condolences on the death of Luigi Decarli, a prominent figure of the alpine associations and Nu.vol.A. , of which he was also president and to which he made an important contribution to energy and capacity during the years in which alpine associations linked to civil protection were structured and developed. If Trentino can count on today such an articulated and efficient civil protection system that integrates the work of professionals and many volunteers, we also owe it to the intuitions and commitment of people like Luigi Decarli. Spending on others, assuming responsibilities for the benefit of the community, taking care of needs and pursuing goals consistent with this: this is the spirit that has guided Decarli’s commitment and that also characterizes the value of Trentino’s autonomy. Today, Fugatti concludes, we greet him with gratitude and hug his family and loved ones.