Trentino is the Italian region with the worst situation of hospitalizations due to Covid. We are firmly at the top of the (negative) classification of ICU patients. And beyond the “emergency threshold” established by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
The Sole 24 Ore graphic
The account of the total hospitalizations is dramatic. In a first reading of yesterday’s bulletin, the news could be very positive and encouraging: the total of hospitalized on Wednesday was 464, on Thursday 456 and yesterday were 428. 36 less in the calculation in just two days. But before “singing victory”, it should still be noted that there were many deaths in the hospital, that yesterday there were 3 new admissions to intensive care and the total, considering resignations or deaths, has risen to 50 again.
The beds occupied in intensive care are 50, the available places are 66. The saturation rate, in Trentino, is therefore 76.76%. That is 30 points more than the emergency threshold established by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. To these must be added those hospitalized in “high intensity”: + 6 yesterday, a total of 54 people.
The contagion data published yesterday
Very high fatality rate: 900 deaths
Since March, 900 people from Trentino have lost their lives due to Covid. From March 12, the date of the first death, to December 18, in 280 days from the cursed virus, it is as if an entire country had disappeared. What does a Fai della Paganella (912 inhabitants) or a Mezzana (893) mean that in nine months loses all citizens. An incredible number for a small province like Trentino, with a fatality rate that continues to grow. Once again the data, cold but indisputable, show the dimensions of the tragedy: in December we registered 181 deaths, an average of more than ten a day. And the second wave is dramatically close to the first: from March to June there were 470 victims, from September to mid-December there are 430.
The outbreak grows in Oncology of Santa Chiara
Still on the issue of hospitals, the outbreak in the Oncology service that we have already reported to you in recent days is growing and causing more and more concern. The case also reached political seats yesterday. Only in the last few days has the operating unit been divided into “dirty” and “clean” and personnel have been instructed to use the Ffp2 masks. In addition, the practice of transferring patients from radiotherapy to oncology over the weekend involved new contacts.
Yesterday in the provincial council Filippo Degasperi of Onda Civica asked for explanations. There are also requests from Paolo Panebianco de Fenalt: “In the proof of the facts, the protocols are wrong. We need more staff screenings – why are RSA swabs taken one week and in hospital one a month only for those who work in the Covid wards? So I think that, in case of positivity, doctors, nurses and oss should be notified immediately and personally, without waiting for the file to reach the TreC website.